It is time to braai, NO it’s Heritage Day, NO it’s Shaka Day…

Whatever you want to call it, whatever it means to you, you call it that, but for clarity’s sake – according to Wikipedia Heritage Day (“Erfenisdag” in Afrikaans) is a South African public holiday celebrated on the 24th of September.

On this day, South Africans across the spectrum are encouraged to celebrate their culture and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions, in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people.

So yes, it’s Braai Day for some and it’s Shaka Day for others, but collectively it is called Heritage day.

I think one thing that is very typically South African is the braai. No wonder many people have dubbed this day “Braai day” over the last couple of years.

Looking at the lovely weather we are having in Gauteng, Job Mail will also be partaking in “Braai day” tomorrow and we want to offer you a great recipe that will put a smile on your tummy and hopefully your bank balance…

Heritage DayHere are the ingredients you need: 

– 2 packets of wood / or charcoal, firelighters
– Your cell phone
– A lighter / matches
– Meat
– Salad
– Pap en sauce


  1. While you wait for the fire to get ready, visit
  2. Put the meat on the fire and while you’re waiting, click on “Register your CV for FREE”.
  3. Make sure the pap is ready and you have enough garlic in the sauce. While you’re stirring the sauce, follow the registration process and press SUBMIT. Your sauce should be ready now and your CV is registered on Job Mail, it’s as easy as that.
  4. While you roast the garlic bread do a simple search for jobs you might be interested in and apply for them.

Well, there you have it, a great recipe for success for your braai as well as your future.

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