3 Automotive jobs you can do without a degree

MechanicStill job hunting? If you know cars and you love cars, think about kick-starting your career in the Automotive industry. Today we’re exploring 3 automotive jobs that you can do without a degree:

1. Mechanic: Once you know how to fix a car, all your friends and neighbours will want you to fix theirs. To work on your own all you would need is space and the right tools. To work with a reputable motoring company you would have to go through the relevant recruitment process and usually they require some certification, but a degree is not required.

2. Workshop Foreman: A workshop foreman is a lead supervisor at an automobile or industrial equipment repair garage. He or she oversees the work of mechanics and technicians, contracts with customers, and handles various administrative duties involved with operating a business. Most foremen are responsible for hiring and training new workers and providing regular performance reviews to ensure customers receive quality repair work. You don’t need a degree to become one, though you may need some experience and relevant knowledge of cars.

3. Service advisor: In many car dealerships, a service advisor (or service consultant), is the person who is mostly responsible for advising customers on which service (or maintenance) may need to be performed on their vehicle. The service advisor is often considered the liaison between a customer and the technician. A service advisor is often the customer’s first and primary contact with a dealership’s service department. You do not need a degree but knowledge of vehicles is a plus for this profession.

Well, there you have it, 3 automotive jobs that you can do without a degree. There are many others jobs that fit into this industry, so make sure that you check out the Automotive job category on Job Mail for the latest listings. If you’re not registered on Job Mail as a job seeker yet, click here to start the process.

This is the sixth part in our 6 part series featuring jobs you can do without a degree and also part of our #JobMailTipOftheDay campaign, so if this field is not your cup of tea, read the previous articles we’ve published on the Job Mail Blog.

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1 Response

  1. Michael says:

    I like work as a motor michanic can your help me find want I want plz?

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