Introducing an improved CV format for Job Seekers

We have great news! Job Mail has an improved CV format that will benefit all job seekers registered on Job Mail.

These are the new improvements:

1. Fill in your “Current Job” details

As a registered  job seeker, you may have already completed your “Desired Job” info. Now you will need you to fill in your “Current Job” details as well. You can do this by visiting

2. Upload your CV in Word format

Don’t have your CV in PDF format? Well, great news! Now you can also upload a Word document file to Job Mail.  To upload your CV in Word format, visit or click on “Edit my CV and References” on your Dashboard.

Click on “Choose file”, point to where your Word document is stored, click on “Open” and then scroll to the bottom of the page to submit it.

Want to get  more views on your CV? Draw more attention and complete your Qualifications also. To do so, go to “Edit my Qualifications” on your Dashboard or visit

Fill in all the details about your qualification, for example your education level, name of the institution and the years that you have studied. Then click “Submit” to save it.  You can enter more qualifications by clicking on “Add Qualification”.

Good luck in your job hunt! By following the above steps you can only improve your CV and your chances of finding the ideal job…

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4 Responses

  1. Bongani says:

    Hi.tanx a lot about these improvement.we will always trust on you,u give us hope that no one can give.u the best in this world.thank u so much may GOD bless u all jobmail staff even your famillies.I love u all.

  2. Gidion says:

    Hi all

    I am in the Prefab-Modular Building/Construction trade. As it is at the moment I am looking for new employment, unfortunately I cant find any specifications on Job-mail regarding this trade…can you give advise as to wear to look.

    best wishes


    • Henno Kruger says:

      Hi Gidion – Thanks for your feedback. Search for keywords that may be listed in the job description / title on Job Mail. If you still don’t find anything it may be because the job market is a bit saturated for that field. We don’t have control over that. Alternatively try different job portals online to look for positions.

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