Job Mail Survey: Navigating education/training through lockdown & beyond

COVID-19 and the lockdown are having a huge and likely long-lasting impact on the education and training sectors, potentially changing it forever. We decided to conduct a survey to better understand the impact it’s having so that we will be able to effectively assist institutions and help them recover in the months to come.

View the survey results below.

1. Are you able to provide courses or classes during lockdown?

Education & Training Survey Question 1 | Job Mail

2. How many students have enrolled since the start of lockdown?

Education & Training Survey Question 2 | Job Mail

3. For which of the following job sectors do you currently provide courses?

Education & Training Survey Question 3 | Job Mail

4. Do you have the ability to provide distance learning or online courses?

Education & Training Survey Question 4 | Job Mail

5. Will distance learning and online courses play a bigger part in future?

Education & Training Survey Question 5 | Job Mail

6. Are students able to enroll in your courses online?

Education & Training Survey Question 6 | Job Mail

7. Which of the following channels do you use for marketing to get students to enroll?

Education & Training Survey Question 7 | Job Mail

8. What would you need from your marketing at this time?

Education & Training Survey Question 8 | Job Mail

9. Do you know about the Job Mail offerings for education and training providers?

Education & Training Survey Question 9 | Job Mail

10. Are you interested in growing student enrollment during lockdown by doing targeted campaigns to jobseekers?

Education & Training Survey Question 10 | Job Mail

Survey Summary:

  • Although some education and training institutions are able to provide courses online, the majority of institutions who responded to our survey said that they couldn’t provide online courses/classes during lockdown.
  • The majority of responders also said that there were no new enrollments since the start of lockdown.
  • They also agreed that distance learning and online courses will play a bigger part in future.

How Job Mail can help your business:

Job Mail is a job portal that offers not only an opportunity for recruiters to advertise vacancies on our platform but also offers education and training institutions course advertising and targeted online marketing services at an affordable price.

With Job Mail, you have access to everything from Facebook and Google marketing to SMS, WhatsApp, and email marketing, banner advertising, promoted adverts and many more.

For more information on how we can help your education/training institution, call 086 999 0222 or email

Alternatively, fill in the form below:

Job Mail Survey: Navigating education/training through lockdown & beyond
Article Name
Job Mail Survey: Navigating education/training through lockdown & beyond
We conducted a survey to better understand the impact COVID-19 and the lockdown have had on the education/training sectors and how we can effectively assist.
Publisher Name
Job Mail
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