An Exit Interview: Why it’s necessary

Checklist-The-5-Ws-of-FiringLosing an employee could provide an opportunity to review your organisation’s internal policies, flow of communication and general working conditions.

Whether they’re leaving due to resignation or dismissal, be sure to conduct an “Exit” interview with the particular employee.

Information gathered from this interview will highlight certain issues within your organisation that, if addressed, will better your work processes and perhaps help you retain quality employees.

Here are some example questions you could ask a departing employee in an Exit interview:

  1. What is your primary reason for leaving? Please specify: Personal reasons, a clash with your manager/a colleague, your job did not meet expectation, got offered another position, it’s just time to move on, etc.
  2. If offered a “better” position, in what way “better”
  3. How did you find your job duties and how did it meet/not meet your expectations?
  4. What would you change about your job?
  5. What did you like about our induction process? Any suggestions on how to improve the process? What training did you receive and how did you find it?
  6. Rate from 1-5 (5 being highest): How do you find the training program in the company? Give suggestions how we can improve the program.
  7. What would you change with any training you have received?
  8. What support did you receive to do your job?
  9. What feedback did you receive about your performance and how often?
  10. How did this company help you to fulfill your career goals?
  11. What could your immediate supervisor do to improve his or her management style?
  12. Before deciding to leave, did you investigate a transfer within the company?
  13. Did anyone in this company discriminate against you, harass you or cause hostile working conditions?
  14. Did any company policies or procedures (or any other obstacles) make your job more difficult?
  15. How do you find your workspace, tools, office, the canteen etc?

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2 Responses

  1. James Richter says:

    This is a nice article, but I think it glosses over the value an exit interview can have for the employee that’s leaving. From my own personal experience, an exit interview has the potential to enhance the ex-employees future job experiences by providing a structured and constructive environment from evaluate their previous position – allowing them to make informed decisions for their next job.

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