A shortage of professional truck drivers in South Africa

Truck driver jobs offer employment opportunities across a wide range of sectors. An advantage of choosing this career is that there is a shortage of trained truck drivers in South Africa, which puts their services in demand. Transnet job vacancies offer opportunities for truck drivers. If you aren’t sure if this is the right job for you, here is more information to help you decide whether these types of driving jobs are the right choice for you.


The Duties of a Truck Driver

Truck drivers are responsible for transporting materials from one location to another. Depending on the company that they work for they may be tasked with delivering products or dumping waste products.

The type of truck you drive will depend on the type and amount of cargo that you are transporting as well as the distances that you are required to travel. These types of transport jobs also involve truck drivers being hired to transport hazardous material.


There is a wide variety of cargo that truck drivers are required to transport. These include cars, furniture and timber. Truck driving is required in a range of industries which include retail, construction and agriculture. Jobs for drivers can also be found in courier companies.

While transporting goods is a truck driver’s primary responsibility, they are also expected to perform other duties such as loading and unloading trucks. They are required to ensure that the truck that they drive is kept in good condition and that maintenance work is kept up-to-date.


Truck drivers need to be skilled at plotting the best routes for a journey so that they can reach their destination timeously. Large trucks may have to take detours if there are roads that cannot accommodate their vehicle.

Another part of these types of driving jobs includes administrative duties such as keeping truck logs and obtaining customer signatures. Truck drivers liaise with their supervisors via radio or telephone and it is important that they stay in communication with their company while they are on a delivery. They need to follow safety regulations and make sure that the products they are transporting are secure. Vehicle inspections are important to maintain safety standards and prevent damage to people or products.

Are Truck Driving Jobs for you?

If you enjoy traveling and working alone, then becoming a truck driver may be the right career choice for you. Although there are advantages to this work, truck driver jobs can be challenging as you will need to sit for extended periods and keep your attention on the road. Driving in difficult conditions can be stressful and tiring.


If you are searching for truck driving jobs, make sure that you meet the requirements for this position. You will need to be fit and healthy with the ability to concentrate for extended periods of time. Truck drivers jobs are suitable for people over the age of 18 who are mentally stable and responsible. Sober habits, good eyesight and adequate mechanical skills are also required for this position.

Becoming a Truck Driver

Now that you know more about what truck driver jobs entail, here is more information on the training requirements. The minimum requirement is a heavy-vehicle driver’s licence. You will also need to complete a medical examination. It is beneficial to complete an Advanced Driving Course.

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Training is offered at the Operator Training Centre and Emthonjeni Training Centre. Bloemfontein Training Centre and Apex Group Training Centre are other options.


According to Neil Henderson, who is the Barloworld Transport CEO, there are not enough professional truck drivers to fill all the vacancies in South Africa. The country needs approximately 15,000 new drivers every year to fill the gaps.

This shortage is a crucial problem that needs to be addressed by long-distance haulage companies. One of the solutions to this issue is to use rail transportation instead. Truck driver salary expenses are one of the highest expenditure for haulage companies.


Approximately 88% of the country’s freight transportation takes place by road. There are 3000 trucks on average using the N3 route from Durban to Johannesburg every day. If truck transportation trends continue without the increased use of rail, it is speculated that the number of trucks traveling this route would increase drastically to an average of 13000 per day in the next 30 years. Irregular hours and large periods of travel are two of the possible reasons why people are not choosing to apply for transport jobs.


While there are downsides to truck driver jobs there are also many advantages to pursuing this career. With the shortage of trained professionals in South Africa you are more likely to find work. If you have decided that this is the right job for you, the next step is to get your heavy-vehicle drivers licence and start training. Ready to start applying for driving jobs? Register your CV on www.JobMail.co.za today!

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9 Responses

  1. Matome says:

    I am holding a code 14 EC but with no experience but I drive so I am willing to take this opportunity to become a professional truck driver please help

  2. lungisan says:

    Ngiyadingaumsebenzi wa code 14

  3. Ugesh says:

    Hi my name is Ugesh, I’m 40 years old. I have a code 14 license EC. I am looking for a reliable job. I have experience driving trucks for the past 20 years. I am responsible and of sober habits

  4. nazeem allie says:

    I have a code 14 licence I did drive for a few months as my training I used he/she please help me I want to become a professional driver with full training

  5. mzoli says:

    I need a job of trucks i have got a code 14 with 1year experience

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