How to earn extra income with part time jobs

Part time jobs are a great opportunity to boost your income. Not only can you earn extra income by working additional hours, you can develop useful skills that are beneficial to your career. You may even be able to find employment opportunities which allow you to use your passions and hobbies to generate additional income.

Whether you are saving up for something special or you need more money to pay your bills, weekend jobs are a great opportunity to realise your goals. No matter your goal, today we highlight some tips on how to earn an extra income.

part time and weekend jobs

What part time jobs are available?

Before you start, it is a good idea to have a look at what type of jobs are available.

Dog Walker

Do you love animals? Why not become a dog walker in your spare time? As a dog walker you can earn extra money while you spend time outdoors and get exercise. You will also be helping dogs to be happy and healthy. All you need is a few loyal customers and you will be good to go. Dog walking is flexible enough to fit in after work hours and makes for great weekend jobs. Another option is to become a pet sitter.


When it comes to part time jobs, tutoring is a popular option. If you enjoy working with children or teenagers and you achieved high marks at school, then you can consider becoming a tutor. Tutors typically work in the afternoon or weekends so you will need to have these hours free if you want to find tutoring work. You will also need to commit to a regular tutoring schedule. Tutoring has the benefit of offering job satisfaction as you will have the opportunity to help children with their education and build their confidence.

part time tutoring jobs


Babysitting offers you flexible working hours and is typically after work hours in the evenings or on weekends. If you are taking care of children at night time, you may even be able to work on other projects online to pass the time while they are sleeping. Search online for available jobs and you can also speak to friends and family who may require a babysitter.

Remember to create a Job Mail Job Alert. Once created, you will get alerts of all the latest vacancies advertised in your chosen field and region.

Get Creative

If you are creative and enjoy making DIY items, you can turn your hobby into an income generating initiative. The type of items that you make will depend on your skills and interests. There are plenty of DIY tutorials available so you can look online to get inspiration. You may want to consider making jewellery or building furniture from pallet wood.

There is an abundance of upcycling ideas so you can also help protect the environment, save money and make extra income by placing your free ad Junk Mail and turning waste items into beautiful products.

digital freelance jobs

Social Media Administrator

Social media is a major part of modern businesses. While large companies can afford to hire full-time marketers, there are smaller businesses that offer freelance jobs. Working as a social media administrator is great as it offers you flexible working hours. You can also work from anywhere as long as you have your computer with you.

Sports Jobs

When it comes to weekend jobs, sport offers excellent opportunities for employment. You could look for work as an umpire or become a caddie. If you have afternoons free during the week, you may want to look for available jobs as a school coach.

find part time sports jobs


Photography is an exciting hobby but it can also offer you opportunities to earn extra cash. Why not turn your passion into a part time job? With plenty of freelance jobs available for photographers, you can find plenty of weekend work.

How to find the right part time jobs

Now that you know how to earn extra income, you may be wondering where you can find available jobs.

Firstly start by working out your work schedule and write down the hours that you have available for extra work. The hours that you have free will determine what job you should apply for. Next make a list of your skills and interests.

Update your resume to make it relevant to the freelance jobs that you intend to apply for. When you are selecting a job you will also need to consider the payments that the clients offer. Before you commit to a job make sure that the payment is worth your while.

planning our available time for weekend jobs

To help you set a price for your services, take a look at what the average rate that other people are charging. If you are taking on extra work you will have to have good time planning and organisational skills. Make a schedule to ensure that you can cope with your job as well as your part time work.

Ready to start looking for part time jobs? Register your CV on Job Mail and see which available jobs will fit into your schedule.

How to earn extra income with part time jobs
Article Name
How to earn extra income with part time jobs
Part time jobs are a great opportunity to boost your income. Not only can you earn extra income by working additional hours, you can develop useful skills.
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Job Mail
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16 Responses

  1. tshidi says:

    I need a job immediately please get Back to me please

  2. phallane says:

    I’m desperately looking for an employment please assist,i’ve being applying for several job,but with no luck I don’t get any response

  3. banele says:

    I was working for a big construction company based in jhb as a safety officer. Im interested to be come a consutant pls email me.

  4. pheladi says:

    Hi I am looking for a job

  5. kimwangana salamwu says:

    I am looking for any part time job from 6 pm to 12pm

  6. ITUMELENG says:

    I am interested and ill bw available on weekends and some week daya and th8s is good for someone who would to have more experience in skills and advansing their working tactics

  7. nthabiseng says:

    Please help me i need a job any am from Lesotho using workpermit is valid can do callcentre,babyseater n a tea lady and cleanin

  8. Tieho says:

    I will be available on weekends and after hours durring the week.

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