Part-time jobs: The benefits and how you can earn more money

Making ends meet every month can be tough but finding part-time jobs can help you earn some extra money. Whether you’re a student, full-time employee or pensioner, there are plenty of benefits to finding casual employment.

Visit Job Mail today to discover a wide range of interesting part-time jobs.

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What are part-time jobs?

Part-time work involves fewer hours than a full-time position does and has no guaranteed/set hours of work. This can involve flexible work hours, shifts or only working certain times of the year.

How can part-time jobs benefit you?

  • You can earn an income or in some cases, additional income
  • Allows you to upskill yourself/gain work experience  
  • It’s a great option for students as they can attend lectures during the day and work the rest of the time
  • Less/flexible working hours will allow you to spend more time with your family
  • Allows you to develop your soft skills
  • You can build up a professional network and even make new friends
Earn extra money with part-time jobs | Job Mail
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What part-time jobs can you pursue?

With a wide range of part-time job opportunities available, there is something to suit everyone. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Freelance

Find freelance work as a writer, graphic designer or whatever your capabilities are to earn extra money. When it comes to part-time work, freelancing is a popular option because you can decide on how many hours you want to work a week. Another advantage of freelancing is that you can work from almost anywhere.

2. Waiting tables

Waiting tables is a popular choice among students as restaurants are usually busier during the evenings. This enables students to attend classed during the day and earn money at night. People can also work over weekends or busier seasons like the December holidays.

3. Cleaning

House cleaning or being a temporary worker for cleaning companies is another option. Other cleaning options include pre- and post-occupation cleaning or even car cleaning.

4. Au-pairing

Being an au pair is a popular option for many people across South Africa, as it is not a full-time responsibility. Families can sometimes hire an au pair to only help during the afternoons until they get home.

5. Retail work

Part-time work in retail can consist of anything from cleaning to stock-taking. Stock-taking is a very big task in retail, as they usually have to count throughout the night while the store is closed. Since they don’t have a lot of time to complete the task, retail stores need the assistance of temporary workers to count and recount stock items.

6. Data capturing

There are various data capturing opportunities available across South Africa, such as census counting. Various large companies also offer part-time opportunities in data capturing that people can do from home.

7. Complete surveys

Companies gather information that they use to improve their products and services. You can earn money by completing surveys online from the comfort of your own home. The advantage is that you’ll be able to control when you want to work and how much time you want to spend on it.

8. House sitting

As a house sitter, you’ll be paid to take care of people’s homes while they’re away on holiday. These part-time jobs are a great opportunity to earn additional money while you’re doing other work. You’ll need to sleep at the property and take care of the animals, but you’ll still have free time to spend completing other tasks during the day. Being reliable and trustworthy are important qualities for house sitters.

9. Dog walking

Do you love animals? Walking dogs is a great way to make a few extra bucks. You’ll get to have fun walking other people’s animals and you can decide whether you want to do it on a daily or weekly basis.

10. Training

If you have a skill that other people would want to learn, you can earn money by becoming a trainer. Social media, business, and blogging are all sought-after skills that other people will pay to learn. You can teach online to access clients in any geographical location or have one-on-one sessions if you prefer to.

11. Sales representative

Become a sales representative for beauty, fashion or other products. You’ll be responsible for finding new clients and building relationships with them. While you won’t be paid a salary, you’ll earn a commission for each product that you sell. You can decide how many hours to work so it’s a great way to make money on the side.

Become a part-time sales representative | Job Mail
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Now that you know the benefits of finding part-time work, you can give your income a boost. Visit Job Mail and apply for part-time jobs today.

Part-time jobs: The benefits and how you can earn more money
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Part-time jobs: The benefits and how you can earn more money
Making ends meet every month can be tough but finding part-time jobs can help you earn some extra money. Find part-time jobs on Job Mail today!
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Job Mail
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7 Responses

  1. Christine says:

    How do I apply?

  2. Tshepo says:

    I’m permanently employed but would likea parsivevincome I’m interested in to be a complete survey or sale representative

  3. Xoliswa Mjaji says:

    I am looking for a house sitting job from the 10th of December to the 10th of January 2020.I am based in Durban and will appreciate a job there.

  4. Reneilwe Mokoena says:

    Good day ,I am desperately looking for any job and I am pregnant just to make ends meet.

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