5 things that should NOT be on your Facebook profile while job hunting

So, you have a Facebook account and you’re updating it regularly, adding photos, posting statuses and generally having a good time while doing so. All this is good and well, but you should ideally be cleaning up your profile when you’re job hunting. Take note that more than 70% of recruiters check potential candidate’s Social Media profiles. It’s important to have a healthy digital footprint. Something you’ve posted on Facebook could be one of the reasons that you’re not getting hired by potential employers.

Since Job Mail cares about job seekers, we have decided to mention 5 things that should NOT be on your Facebook profile while job hunting today. We trust that you’ll find these hints useful.

Drunk  / intoxicated photos of yourself: So, you’ve had a night out on the town and you’ve painted the town red (or various other colours). Chances are that you and your friends have probably taken tons of photos showcasing the tray of shooters that you’ve finished or your beer- downing skills. Our advice is to post the sober photos showing you having a good time and rather keep the photos of you passed out on the table or the video of you downing shooters or beer off Facebook. Keep them on your phone instead if you really have to keep them. Drunk / intoxicated photos or videos of you will have a negative impact on your digital footprint and could be the reason that you don’t get that dream job you’re hunting for.

An easy way to manage your photos is to set your Facebook privacy settings up so that only your friends can see your photos and enable the setting that allows you to approve photos that are tagged of you before they get published on Facebook.

Drunk Photo

“I hate my boss / colleague” status updates: So, you’re frustrated at work with your current boss or a colleague because you feel that you are being mistreated. Instead of keeping this to yourself you post a status that probably reads something like “My boss is such a Hitler today”, “My boss is  a real idiot, I can be a better manager”, “My boss sucks” or “John should really wear deodorant when he comes to work”. Besides the fact that you could get disciplined or even fired at the company you’re currently employed at, this also has a negative impact on your digital footprint. No prospective employer wants to see you bashing your current boss or colleagues on Facebook.

I hate my boss

Statuses / comments that reflect your political / religious views:  If you’re a very outspoken individual who likes to express your radical political or religious views on Facebook, think twice about what you post on your profile while you are job hunting. It’s all good and well to have an opinion, but take note that some potential employers will not hire you if you’re way too vocal about it, especially if your comments / statuses might make you look like a racist or sexist individual. Think twice before you hit the post / send button when you’r commenting or setting up a status.

Political Views 02

Comments / wall posts from friends that are distasteful: So, your friend thinks it’s a good idea to post offensive things on your wall and he likes to swear a lot in your comments. This will not reflect well on your digital footprint. Remove any comments or wall posts that may seem distasteful on your profile wall / comment stream. Consider enabling the privacy setting that allows you to evaluate content when someone posts on your wall to curb this.

Profile details / Comments that contradict yourself: Make sure that the information you give on your CV, cover letter or e-mail and Facebook profile are consistent. When contradictions occur in dates, the names of employers, contact information and so on, recruiters begin to wonder if they can trust your information and if you are attentive to detail. Be honest, transparent and professional when it comes to your Facebook profile.

Well, there you have it, 5 things that should NOT be on your Facebook profile while job hunting. Do you agree with this list? Leave a comment and let us know. Feedback is appreciated and welcome here.

Spread the word about this, share this article with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Remember: Sharing is caring.

Watch this space for more updates for job seekers on the Job Mail blog.

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9 Responses

  1. Patrick says:

    I was still asking myself whether it is true that employer are checking the candidates on Facebook,know its clear 70%

  2. Phumlani says:

    Thank you for your advice,I was not sure about this if its realy happen.

  3. I agree 100% with this list,posting defamatory and distasteful posts /statuses about your boss or colleague count against U bcs the potential employer will not trust your level of professionalism,if U have problems with your current employer/supervisor /colleague U know your company’s channels of communications. Don’t burn the bridges bcs U might need them in future.


    I was not very sure about this, but now my eyes are wide open for things like this. I was even not noticing that this people are checking statuses even at the Criminal Record Centre.


    So tell me Jobmaster why this people come back and notify you as a job seeker about what they get on his/her statuses sothat you will rectify those untasteful statements and those irrelevant comments? Or something like the regretable note counting their findings.

  6. chopo micheal-caeter moshesh says:

    I found it very usefull because what we are doing on facebook leave us with bad expression with even taking any note of it.from now on I am going to teach my friends especially who are still looking for a job,I will alert with such things that might send a very bad influence to the employers when it comes to social media.
    Thank you jobmail.

  7. Taren says:

    Thanks a lot to open our minds,wise up fowks

  8. Taren says:

    Thank you very much to open our eyes to somethings we never knew or should I say we never notice.

  9. Ayanda says:

    Thank you for giving us tips….much appreciated

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