Using Social Media To Improve Your Job Search (Infographic)

It’s no secret that Social Media is part of our daily lives. Like most of the industries in the world, recruitment has also entered the digital age. It’s makes perfect sense that Social Media platforms (like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ and others) are  being used by employers and potential employees alike to either promote or explore potential job opportunities.

If you’re hunting for a job you need to be aware of how much information, media and content you share on your social media profiles.  If you’re a regular reader of the Job Mail Blog you’ll know that we’ve covered this topic before. This is just a friendly reminder that you should remember that no potential employer wants to read about how awesome your weekend was and about how hung over you were after drinking way too much. Think twice before you decide to post something that could have a negative effect on your professionalism.

My Clever Agency (a media agency based in the United Kingdom) and Gumtree compiled this infographic entitled “Using Social Media To Improve Your Job Search”. This contains a lot of useful information. Please note that after viewing this you may feel inspired to clean up your social media profiles.

Using Social Media to Improve your Job Search

There you have it… Some useful info about using social media to improve your job search. If you’ve learned something by viewing this infographic, feel free to comment on this article and let us know about it.  If you’ve found this insightful feel free to share this article with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Remember: Sharing is caring.

Watch this space for regular updates in the Employers and Job Seekers categories on the Job Mail blog.

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1 Response

  1. Dec 23, 2013

    […] a clean digital footprint is very important if you’re job hunting. It’s a well-known fact that more than 75% of […]

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