Top 5 Career Regrets – Don’t Let Them Be Yours

As you chase your career dreams, you don’t want to be left regretting certain decisions that take you to where you don’t actually want to be. Don’t let these top 5 regrets sidetrack your career!

1. Being pressured into a particular career

All too often, people make hasty decisions about which career path to follow, without realising that there are a number of other options that would be better suited to them. You shouldn’t feel pressured into a career path. Rather take your time to survey all of the possible options out there – your decision could have an impact on the rest of your life. It is much better to take some extra time to choose a career that suits your talents and abilities, than to find yourself stuck on a path that you hate.

2. Not trusting your gut

Mid-career professionals commonly say that they wish they had followed their instincts. You should always listen to what your heart is telling you about the choices you make with regards to studying or career decisions. If you have the gut feeling that what you’re doing isn’t right for you, then pay attention to it – your instincts are usually right! Similarly, if an opportunity comes your way (for example a new job offer or study opportunity) that your gut tells you is right, then don’t let it slip through your hands. If you don’t pursue the opportunity, you may live to regret it.

Career Regrets

3. Staying in a job you don’t enjoy

You’ve probably heard it multiple times from various people: “I hate my job”. A 2017 study from data insight group Gallup found that half of American employees aren’t happy with the job they are in. You will find that many of these people are staying in their current positions for the sole reason of getting a monthly salary, and are fearful of making the leap outside their comfort zones. The truth is that your career has a huge impact on your overall mental and emotional wellbeing. If you find yourself depressed and disengaged at work, then this can spread over to your personal life.

Most professionals who stayed in a job they didn’t enjoy for too long before making a change will tell you that they wish they hadn’t waited so long. So when you’re not enjoying your job, don’t be afraid to have a look at other options that better align with your passions.

4. Leaving a job you love

Sometimes, the allure of a better salary or added benefits can draw you away from a job that you actually love. Amongst high-earning professionals, a common regret is that they took a new job solely for money, but ended up in a highly dissatisfying career. Obviously, if your current job isn’t covering the bills, then you may have no choice but to look for something else, but you shouldn’t base your decision entirely on money. Look beyond the financial aspect and carefully assess whether the job tasks are something you will enjoy.

5. Not learning the right skills

In today’s fast-moving world of work, you need skills such as adaptability, resilience, and problem-solving. When people are pursuing their career goals, these important soft skills are often neglected. But with technical skill sets becoming obsolete faster than ever and competition for jobs increasing, these skills are often what will set you apart from other candidates. They will allow you to bounce back from disappointments, and to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. When you are faced with trying circumstances, you will be thankful that you took the time to develop these skills. Short courses are a good way to start developing the soft skills you need for your career.

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Top 5 Career Regrets - Don't Let Them Be Yours
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Top 5 Career Regrets - Don't Let Them Be Yours
As you chase your career dreams, you don’t want to be left regretting certain decisions that take you to where you don’t actually want to be.  Don’t let career regrets sidetrack your career!
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