The perfect weekend and part time jobs for students
If you are looking for part time or weekend jobs, this blog post is for you. With so many jobs on Job Mail that are perfect for students, you are sure to find something that will fit into your school schedule.
Why find weekend or part time jobs?
Jobs for students are great because it gives you the opportunity to not only build up some work experience (something that is perfect for your CV after you have graduated) but a way to earn some extra money as well. Financially, times are on the tougher side and, whether you choose to use your income for living expenses and books, or a way to afford a night out on the town with friends, earning an income is important.
Part time and weekend jobs for students help teach responsibility. Being a reliable part timer, or someone a family can count on to get the kids home safely from school, teaches you responsibility and reliability.
Working on a part time basis while studying will also instil useful skills such as budgeting. Spending money wisely when you are the one earning it, helps with not only budgeting expenses (like books, food and petrol) but also responsible spending habits.
Another great advantage of part time jobs is time management. While studying towards a qualification might be time consuming, students will learn how to balance classes, a part time or weekend job, and study time – a useful skill to have when finding that perfect balance between work and a personal life later on.
When looking for part time jobs, try to keep in mind the field you are studying in. Culinary students might find it beneficial to take on catering jobs while law students might benefit from finding part time office jobs in legal environments.
Some weekend and part time jobs for students in SA
When you start looking, finding weekend part time jobs can sometimes be difficult. Today we give you a couple of options to help you get started and put you on your way to earning an income that can go towards anything from books to saving for a car.
Working as a Waiter or Waitress
Waiter and waitress jobs are popular part time jobs for students, giving them a great way to earn an income. Working out a time schedule that still allows you to still meet your study requirements is easily enough done. A job that can be financially rewarding, do keep in mind that busy restaurants require staff that are always friendly, helpful and on their feet.
Some of the responsibilities waiters and waitresses take on include taking orders and serving drinks and food to customers, clearing tables and collecting payments from customers. These jobs for students also require you to know the menu by heart, be able to make suggestions to customers and know the specials of the day (should the restaurant have any).
Normally waiters and waitresses work for tips, but some restaurant do offer other job perks as well. Waiting staff are meticulous, organised individuals that love working with people. If you think you have what it takes, check out the waiter and waitress jobs on Job Mail.
If waitressing is for you, bartending also makes for good part time and weekend jobs for students. Working with people, you will be responsible for preparing all sorts of drinks – from the standard whiskey to yummy cocktails. Though you might at first not be solely responsible for mixing the more complicated beverages, you can work yourself up and learn some insane mixing skills.
Other responsibilities include taking payments, pitting and slicing fruit for garnishes and some establishments might also put you in charge of appetisers like serving cheeses and pickles.
The great thing about both waitress and bartending jobs on Job Mail is that many employers do offering on-the-job training so, even if you have never worked as a bartender or waiter, you will receive the right training, giving you the opportunity to build up your skills.
Working for a Catering Company
Catering companies are like moveable restaurants and need most of the staff an established restaurant would. This means that you will find opportunities that range from waitressing and bartending, to more specialised skills such plating dishes.
Finding part time jobs at catering companies is a great choice if you are studying towards a culinary qualification or even a qualification in event management or planning.
Interested in catering jobs on Job Mail? Register your CV and start applying for the vacancies that most interest you.
Working in Retail and Sales
If you have a love for working with people and have an interest in the retail industry, retail jobs might make for great weekend jobs.
Part time jobs for students in the retail industry can involve anything from working as a packer or a cashier, to working as a sales assistant helping someone find a specific item. Finding a weekend or part time job in the retail industry is a good option especially if you are studying towards a qualification in retail.
Though these positions might be entry level jobs, you can work yourself up from the bottom, learning new skills as you go. Remember that retail jobs (like seen with cashiers) entail working with people, so a friendly and helpful nature coupled with good communication skills will help you along the way.
Sales is another field you might consider when looking for weekend part time jobs. Seen with many sales rep positions, on-the-job training is offered, meaning that, even if you don’t have the knowledge, you do have the chance to learn.
Promoter Jobs
If are looking for part time jobs and you love working with people, promoter jobs on Job Mail is a great option. Responsible for promoting a certain product or service, promoters can be found in everything from Pick ‘n Pay (promoting a new product for example) to a trendy bar (promoting a new beverage).
Fun and allowing you to practice your sales and communication skills, being a promoter will also entail product demonstrations. You will answer questions from potential buyers, matching your product to their needs.
Promoter jobs are also available across a range of industries. If you are into fashion and beauty products, look for promoter vacancies in cosmetics or fashion stores. If you have a passion for food and cooking, promoter jobs in everything from awesome cooking utensils to new spices and foodstuffs might be ideal for you.
Data Entry and Office Jobs
Data capturing or data entry jobs on Job Mail is also a great place to start if you are looking for part time jobs. Requiring the electronic capturing of data for a company or business, you will have to be accurate, focussed and computer literate.
With entry-level positions available, data entry or capturing jobs do require fast typing skills, organisational skills and a fine eye for detail. You might also be required to check data for accuracy, work with specific databases and specific software.
Finding part time jobs in offices can also work as great weekend jobs. From doing filing and answering telephones on a Saturday morning, to completing administrative tasks and typing up meeting minutes, there are quite a few small tasks that pile up and become difficult for permanent staff to get to.
If office management is your career choice, try and find part time employment working for a busy office – even if it is just answering phones. If you are working towards a qualification in the legal field, try to find part time office jobs in legal offices.
Working as an Au Pair
Au Pair jobs on Job Mail are perfect if you are looking for something part time and love working with children. While some au pairs are required to take on a lot of duties, some are tasked with getting the kids home from school, helping with homework and getting them to their extracurricular activities on time.
Note that taking on these types of part time or weekend jobs will require dedication. Parents will be relying on you to help fill in where they cannot, and working with children on its own is a big responsibility.
Being a tutor is another option if you are on the lookout for weekend part time jobs. From helping a grade seven student with maths to offering tutoring services for kids struggling in biology, you can get involved in a wide range of school (and sometimes even university) subjects.
Note though that you will need an above average understanding of the subject on hand in order to be able to take on tutoring jobs. If you excelled in math while still at school, being a part time math tutor is a stunning option. If languages are your thing, consider offering tutoring services to kids who are struggling in English, German or Afrikaans for example.
Other part time jobs for students
There are tons of other fun and fabulous part time and weekend jobs for students. If you own a car for example, making deliveries can be a great part time job.
If you don’t want to fully dedicate yourself to au pair jobs, you can always offer babysitting services, giving parents a night off. With the December holidays fast approaching, you might want to consider housesitting jobs as well.
Remember, from helping out in a bookstore to doing filing, part time jobs for students are great for getting your foot in the door, gaining work experience and earning extra money.
Looking for jobs on Job Mail? Register your CV by visiting and look for weekend and part time jobs that will suit your schedule best!
I am interested in partime or weekend job……
I am a hardworking person with practical hands on approach, who always perseveres to achieve the best results. Would to get this opportunity to show my potential on this job
Hello myself is joseph kobela age 22, will do third year in 2017 @ UJ doing Computer Science and informatics i am looking for weekend jobs, and if not late i am looking for december holiday jobs
Hi Joseph,
You can start by registering your CV on Job Mail here –
You can also browse and apply for weekend, temporary and part time jobs here –
Good luck!
Im Nomfundo Ndlangisa from Durban at Lamont im a student of tourism at central technical college I need apart time job to get some money to reboot my school fees and I’m going to happy when im found that job thanks