Skype and phone interview tips
Are you looking for interview tips? Job Mail is here to help you! Set your mind at ease by knowing what to expect before your virtual interview. Proper preparation is essential to make any interview a great success, whether the interview is in person, over the phone or on Skype.
There is an increasing number of companies that are choosing to screen prospective candidates with a Skype or phone interview. They use this initial interview to assess whether you’re a suitable candidate or not. You may also be required to attend a Skype interview when applying for an international job. This enables the company to find out if you’re suitable for the job without incurring the expense of flying you to their offices.

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General interview tips:
Have a printed copy of your CV on hand
Print out a copy of your CV so that you have a hard copy to refer to during the interview. Make sure that it has the same information on it as the one that you used to apply for the job.
Research on the company
Research the company and summarise any important information that may come in handy during the interview. It’s common for interviewers to ask prospective employees why they want to work at their company. If you’ve done your research, you’ll be better equipped to answer this question. Employers are looking for new staff members who will fit in with the company culture and who can work as part of a team. With a better understanding of the company, it will be easier for you to show them why you’re a good fit.
Make a list of questions
Compile a list of questions that you would like to ask your interviewer. While you’ll want to make a good impression in the interview, this meeting is also an opportunity for you to assess whether it’s the right position for you.
Speak confidently and clearly
Speaking clearly makes you sound confident and it also ensures that your interviewer understands what you’re saying. Even if you have the best answer to their question, it won’t do you any good if they can’t hear you because you’re mumbling.

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Phone Interview Tips:
Keep a charger nearby
Prepare for your phone interview by charging your phone so that it has a full battery and keep a charger nearby in case you need it. A flat battery will disrupt your interview and get your relationship with your prospective employer off to a bad start.
Find a good location
A quiet location is essential for phone interviews. Background noise can be distracting for your interviewer and it can have a negative impact on the quality of your phone call. It’s advisable to select a place where you feel comfortable and relaxed so that you can feel confident talking to your prospective employer. A location that is free from any distractions is best.
Keep it conversational
Prospective employers are looking for somebody they’ll enjoy working with. While you’ll need to sound professional, a friendly tone helps to establish rapport with your interviewer. You can get your working relationship off to a good start by ditching the nerves and engaging in a friendly conversation.
Be enthusiastic
Show your enthusiasm for your career during the interview. Employees who are passionate about their jobs are more likely to deliver an outstanding performance. Employers are looking for dedicated staff members they can rely on. Be grateful for the opportunity to interview for the position and thank your interviewer at the end of your conversation.

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Skype Interview Tips:
Dress appropriately
While you won’t be meeting your prospective employer face-to-face, the computer’s camera still allows them to see you. Dressing professionally will help you feel confident and will also help to create a good first impression.
Don’t be late
One of the most vital interview tips that you’ll come across is to be on time. If you’re ready and waiting for your interviewer, it shows that you’re reliable.
Make sure your Skype and internet are working before the interview
Set up your computer and check your Skype settings before your interview. Check your microphone and camera as well by doing a test call to ensure that your interviewer will be able to hear you clearly. Remember that preparation can prevent technology glitches during a Skype interview.
Prepare your surroundings
Employers are looking for staff members who are organised and professional. Not only are messy surroundings distracting, they also make you appear disorganised. Remove any unnecessary items from the area before your Skype interview. A tidy bookshelf or appropriate painting can make a good background.
Focus on the camera
When you’re talking to your interviewer, focus your attention on the camera rather than the screen. When you look at the camera, you’ll be creating direct eye contact with the person who is interviewing you. This approach makes you come across as confident and professional.

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Close other programs on your computer
Close other programs on your computer as they can slow down your Skype. Notifications from other programs that come through during your Skype interview can be distracting and noises from other programs make you appear unprofessional.
Now that you’ve read our interview tips, you can look for vacancies on Job Mail. With the right preparation, your Skype or phone interview will be easy to navigate.

Am looking fo job. , as gardener & genenal works
Hi Martin,
If you have not registered your CV on Job Mail, follow this link:
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We hope you find employment soon!
Looking a general job
If you have not registered your CV on Job Mail, follow this link:
Once you’ve registered, look for jobs that suit your skill set at and apply for them!
Alternatively, set up a job alert to receive the latest jobs in your field via email at
We hope you find employment soon!
Hi I had like to thanks for all tips for an interview