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Rewriting And Upgrading Your Matric Results

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The desire to improve one’s matric results is something we can all relate to. The pass level you achieved for matric speaks volumes, and many learners want to improve their results, while others want to get accepted to their desired institutions and pursue their dream careers. Whatever your goal, we’re here to help.

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Getting good matric results is important. For better or worse, they help you narrow down your career path and point you in the right direction when you start job hunting. That said, you might not be happy with the results you earned and may be looking for a way to improve them.

How can I improve my matric results?

The supplementary examinations usually held in February and March each year were phased out a few years ago. Instead, candidates can take the exams in June or November, which gives them more time to prepare. To be eligible, candidates must satisfy the entry requirements that apply to their specific subject.

When you write the supplementary exam, the marks from that exam will replace the marks from your previous exam. Upgrading or rewriting your matric only takes a couple of months. There are, however, learners who choose to upgrade their matric over a two-year period to ensure that they have enough time to study each subject thoroughly and get the best results. 

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After rewriting your matric, Umalusi will combine your results from your two exams and issue you with a matric certificate that has your best marks. Umalusi is the council that sets and monitors standards for general and further education and training in South Africa in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework. 

What is the difference between matric upgrade and matric rewrite?

In South Africa, students who are under the age of 21 have the opportunity to upgrade two subjects on their matric certificate. Rewriting matric is for learners who have not met the National Senior Certificate requirements in a maximum of two subjects, could not write because of medical circumstances and they have a valid doctor’s letter, or due to a death in their immediate family.

The matric upgrade is for those who need a chance to improve their matric results. This option allows you to either retake subjects that you have failed or choose new subjects related to your desired field. You only need the ability to read and write in English in order to take this opportunity and get a completely new set of results.

Where can I apply to improve my matric results? 

The Department of Basic Education has a whole section for education and support programmes on its website. One such programme is the Second Chance Matric Support Programme, or SCMS. SCMS offers support to students who have not met the requirements for the National Senior Certificate. It does this by providing an opportunity for learners who did not meet the minimum requirements in matric to take exams, get a matric certificate, and continue their studies. It also gives you an opportunity to prepare for your exams in one place. Contacting the matric support is as easy as sending a WhatsApp message or an email. 

 Can I get my matric results remarked?

The Department of Basic Education Second Chance Programme also offers a way to remark or recheck examination answer scripts from registered schools. You can always apply for a remark if you feel that the mark allocated to your script is not a true reflection of your performance on the written papers. The fees for remarking are R120 per script. Please note that there is no guarantee that your mark will improve after a remark, it is, however, worth a try.  

Improve or upgrade your results and get a second chance at academic success. Read our blog posts to get more information on a wide variety of topics as you start your journey towards higher education and a successful career. 

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Rewriting And Upgrading Your Matric Results
The desire to improve one’s matric results is something we can all relate to. The pass level you achieved for matric speaks volumes, and many learners want to improve their results, while others want to get accepted to their desired institutions and pursue their dream careers. Whatever your goal, we’re here to help.
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Job Mail
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