Reach the right target audience with Job Mail’s Digital Marketing Products

Great news for recruiters / employers! Job Mail offers a variety of Digital Marketing Products to help you to reach the right target audience, spread the word about your products / services and get the leads / conversions you need to expand your business!

Reach your target audience via SMS:

SMS Marketing offers you an affordable opportunity to deliver a professional and targeted marketing campaign to promote your products / services. We can target your campaign via province (Gauteng, Western Cape, etc), city (Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape Town, etc), experience, age, category and qualifications (just to name a few).

SMS marketing is the most affordable and effective method of direct communication across all of SA’s mobile networks. 90% of SMS messages are read within the first 3 minutes. Open rates have been statistically proven to exceed 98%. So why wait? Contact us to explore SMS Marketing options for your business NOW!

sms marketing

Spread the word about your products / services with a Third Party Mailer: 

Job Mail has a huge e-mail database of employers and job seekers that you can market your products / services to. Target your e-mail campaign via province, city, via job field (Administration, Engineering, Sales, etc), age group, qualifications, etc. This feature offers exclusive viewership to the database of your choice.

E-mail marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and generate leads in the digital space. You can reach over 650,000 job seekers and +/- 30,000 employers who are registered on the Job Mail database. You have the opportunity to spread the word about your products / services to the right target audience! So why wait? Contact us to explore e-mail marketing options.

Educor-logo“I have been making use of Job Mail’s E-Mailer for marketing of our various brands & it has proven to be a great success. The campaigns deliver generous leads, the mailers are a great advertising tool as you reach great volumes in 1 shot and its exclusive, so the focus remains on what we have to offer! Thank you Job Mail for the great product & excellent value.” Mala Augustine, Educor – April 2016

third party mailer by job mail

Promote your business, increase brand awareness & generate leads with Banner Advertising:

Job Mail offers banner advertising on mobile and web to suit every business’ needs. You can promote your products / services / positions with a banner that gets displayed on the Job Mail website or on e-mails that go out to Job Mail’s active user base. You can target the right audience via province, city, job field, etc. Banner advertising is best for clients who need to reach a large quantity of eyeballs and the best part about it is that everything is trackable and you can see a ROI. Contact us to find out which advertising package will suit you best.

banner advertising

Move your organisation into the digital age via Social Media:

It’s a fact that we live in the digital age and the majority of people living in this age are extremely active on social media. Spread the word about your products / services or get added exposure for your vacancies on Facebook. Twitter, Linkedin, etc.

Job Mail recognised the power of social early on and that one can not simply place an ad and expect results, you need to engage with your audience while building up new users. Job Mail does this best and the numbers prove it. By using social media you are not only reaching active candidates but passive candidates as well. Let’s face it, who do you trust more? An advert / or something a friend posted / suggested on social media? Contact us and find out how we can move your business into the digital 21st Century.


Reach a very targeted audience via Job Mail alert e-mails:

Every week tens of thousands of potential job candidates receive Job Mail’s job alerts e-mails. This is a great opportunity to spread the word about your vacancies / products / services. The best part about job alerts is that it is targeted and WANTED, thus your open rate is much higher than any other email campaign. Plus we only put one banner per alert thus giving you exclusivity. Contact us to find out more.

job alerts emails

Reach thousands of job seekers / employers who read the Job Mail Blog:

Every month, thousands of job seekers and employers read the Job Mail Blog. This is an amazing platform to promote your business, provide useful tips and advice to job seekers / employers, share your insights with our readers, etc. Our blog posts are SEO friendly, so you’ll get extra exposure for your business / products / services / positions on Google via Job Mail.

Contact us to find out how we can help you.

job mail blog post

Spread the word about your products / services via WhatsApp: 

The popularity of WhatsApp is proof that we live in a world where the mobile phone has become an integral part of society. We interact with our users via WhatsApp on a daily basis and you have the opportunity to promote your business / products / services / positions to them with branding. The best part is that it is instant. Contact us to find out how.

job mail on whatsapp

Well, there you have it, various Digital Marketing Products that Job Mail offers to help you reach the right target audience, spread the word about your products / services and get the leads / conversions you need to expand your business. If you have any queries about these products, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Reach the right target audience with Job Mail's Digital Marketing Products
Article Name
Reach the right target audience with Job Mail's Digital Marketing Products
Job Mail offers a variety of Digital Marketing Products to help you to reach the right target audience and spread the word about your products and services.
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Job Mail
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5 Responses

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