NOW is the time to apply for jobs!

Need a new job? Start looking for a position now to get a fresh start before the New Year. Although the holiday season is approaching, businesses still need to fill vacancies. Gauteng is South Africa’s economic hub and business continues all-year round. Jobs in Gauteng include sales, management and administrative positions. If you are looking for employment, the first step is to review the job vacancies in Gauteng.



Find part-time employment as a sales consultant. This position offers flexible hours and a commission based salary. Applicants should be motivated and have outstanding interpersonal skills. Successful candidates will be motivated, hard-working and reliable. Previous sales experience is beneficial. If you are well-spoken and enthusiastic, you can apply for Sales Rep jobs. This position includes a basic salary as well as commission to reward extra effort. It is necessary to have your own vehicle and a valid driver’s licence if you want to become a Sales Rep.



Candidates for Project Management vacancies must have a relevant tertiary qualification. Previous experience and an in-depth knowledge of the industry that they will be working in are essential. Duties include overseeing staff members as well as reporting to stakeholders. Applicants must have superior communication, organizational and problem-solving capabilities. Commercial Management positions are available for job seekers with a relevant tertiary education, such as B-Tech: Quantity Surveying qualification. Duties include overseeing large building projects and calculating budgets. The manager is responsible for ensuring that staff complete their jobs efficiently in order to meet project deadlines. Outstanding planning and interpersonal skills are important for this position.



Receptionist positions are available in a vast range of industries. Duties include operating a switchboard, filing, answering telephones calls and greeting visitors. Applicants must be able to work under pressure and they must have the ability to multi-task. A professional demeanour and friendly attitude are essential for this position. Administrative positions will suit applicants who have Excel and accounting skills. Applicants should be organized, creative and have the ability to meet deadlines.

Looking for jobs in Gauteng? Find great opportunities by visiting

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19 Responses

  1. koos dlamini says:

    im still looking for a job as a driver

  2. Fikile khumalo says:

    I’m looking for a general job,anything that includes cleaning my contact detail 0833588204.

    • Henno Kruger says:

      Thank you for your feedback. If you have not registered your CV on Job Mail yet, then follow this link: Then look for Jobs that you need at and apply for them. Search for “Gardener”, “Cashier”, “Driver”, “Internship”, “Learnership” (or any other keyword) to find relevant jobs on Job Mail. Hope you find the job that you need soon. E-mail us via if you want to sign up for our weekly newsletters.

  3. Beatrice Ashantia Maphanga says:

    I want a cleaner position

    • Henno Kruger says:

      Thank you for your feedback. If you have not registered your CV on Job Mail yet, then follow this link: Then look for Jobs that you need at and apply for them. Search for “Gardener”, “Cashier”, “Driver”, “Internship”, “Learnership” (or any other keyword) to find relevant jobs on Job Mail. Hope you find the job that you need soon. E-mail us via if you want to sign up for our weekly newsletters.

  4. tshegofatso says:

    Good afternoon people,I am looking for job as a receptionist or anything related wil papers like a clerk looking forward for eaeliest positive response thank you in advance

  5. Rudzani Ramaruta says:

    I still want temporal job because I’m still studying

  6. bawinile soko says:

    im looking for receiption job or medical receiption, i have ms word, excel, power point, out look

  7. Denickar says:

    Looking for Admin/Reception job around Pretoria

  8. vincent thokozani says:

    Please help me. I’m looking for Samtrac jobs

  9. Clement Ngwenya says:

    I am looking for a job in the human resource field specialising in labour relations, I am available ASAP

  10. gift says:

    Hi my name is gift, i am looking for a call center position, any consultant, my contucts is 0713990109/0734085688, e-mail it,s

  11. Johan says:

    My husband is still looking for a job but he is 56 years old and they look at his age and he is white. He is a driver with code 10 and pdp with dangerous license

  12. emily mbalisen mhlanga says:

    Still looking for cleaning job

  13. Lindiwe Kabinde says:

    I’m looking for a general jobs,anything that includes contact details 0794742589

  14. Rinae says:

    I am looking for any general job. I am 2o years old boy who passed grade 12 and having code 10 drivers licence

  15. absalom says:

    hello. im looking for management or supervisory job. im a b com graduate frm pretoria university but without work experience with major courses ( business management and industrial psychology.) my contact details (0718967445)

  16. siphesihle says:

    I’m looking for any job, I have office administration Level 4,and have a one year expetience in data capturing,reception duty

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