Job Mail Phishing Scam Warning
A new phishing scam is targeting employers that are registered on Job Mail. The scammer (who claims to be speaking on behalf of our management and is sending out e-mail on behalf of “Jobmail Web Support” is using the e-mail address “” and claiming that Job Mail is doing maintenance management.
Check out the full wording of the e-mail that is circulating below
“Dear User,
Database Maintenance Is Being Carried Out On Our E-mail Servers To Update The Spam And Junk Protection Of Our Server. We Are Removing All Unused Accounts In Time For New Accounts.
To avoid closure of your account, You must update your account effect.
Please, Copy and Paste this Link On Your Web Browser. **************
Thank you for using our services.
Note: Any account not updated in 3 working days will be closed permanently.
Jobmail Management
© Copyright 2013 Jobmail”
This is completely false. This scammer is NOT employed by us. He’s misspelling our brand name (“Jobmail”) and the page that you end up on is a clone of the Job Mail log-in page (and the domain is not owned by us).
Take note that Job Mail will NEVER send out an e-mail requesting registered recruiters to change their password. Job Mail e-mails will always have the Job Mail logo (if it is not a text only e-mail client), will always be sent from our domain ( and will always link to only Job Mail pages on the Job Mail domain (
If you have received this phishing e-mail please DON’T respond to it. Don’t click on the links of the email or log into the page that opens if you click on the link.
If you have received the phishing email and have clicked on the link, please change your password immediately by going to the following link:
If you are ever unsure if an e-mail you received is from Job Mail, please forward the email to and ask if it did before taking any other action.
Don’t get caught by this phishing scam! Remember: Be Smart! Be Savvy! Be Safe!
Spread the word about this scam by sharing this article with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Remember: Sharing is Caring. If you share this you might be the reason that someone does not get caught by this.
Watch this space for regular updates about Scam Warnings on the Job Mail Blog.
My name is Mathapelo Phasha im 29 years old,im living in naturena,im a hardworking peson,that like experiancing things,I hope my application will be succesful.
Thanks for your feedback. If you have not registered your CV on Job Mail yet, then follow this link Then look for Jobs that you need at (on your cell phone) or (on your PC) and apply for them. You can search for “Gardener”, “Cashier” “Driver”, “Internship”, “Learnership” (or any other keyword) to find relevant jobs on Job Mail. Hope you find the job that you need soon!