Job hunting: Common mistakes people make

Are you currently job hunting? We’re here to help! There are a few common mistakes people make when they’re looking for a new job, and by knowing what to avoid, you will improve your chances of success. So, what are you waiting for? Have a look at the mistakes to avoid then upload your CV for free on Job Mail today!

Job Hunting: Common Mistakes To Avoid | Job Mail
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Here are some of the common mistakes people make when job hunting:

1. Lengthy CVs

Your CV should showcase what you have to offer your prospective employer. If your CV contains irrelevant information, it’s unlikely that anyone will take the time to read it. Customise your CV according to each position you apply for and only include a summary of information that is relevant to the specific position. Your CV is your chance to make a good first impression so that you stand out from other applicants.

Want to find out more about creating a quality CV? Read our guide on how to create your own CV.

2. Spelling and grammar mistakes

Grammar and spelling mistakes can prevent you from getting hired. Make sure that you proofread your CV and any application documents you submit. Ask a family member or friend to double-check that there are no mistakes.

3. Dressing unprofessionally

First impressions are important so make sure that you dress appropriately when going for an interview. Dressing appropriately also shows that you are serious about the job, but more importantly, it also shows respect towards the company and the interviewer.

4. Failing to do your research when job hunting

Before you apply for a job, do your research first. Gather information about the company and the position you’re applying for. You can do this by visiting the company’s website, social media pages or searching for them on the internet.

5. Lack of self-awareness

Employers want to know that you understand what your strengths and weaknesses are. Self-awareness is important because it will help you deliver better performance in the workplace. Understanding your strengths also makes it possible for you to sell your capabilities during the interview. If you don’t have insight into yourself, it’s much harder for prospective employers to get to know you better.

Interview Tips: Know Your Strengths And Weaknesses | Job Mail
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6. Missing references

If you don’t compile a list of references at the start of your job search, you can be left rushing at the last minute to try and find people who will validate your credentials. You can use references from current or former employers, managers or supervisors, as well as academic references such as advisors, tutors, teachers, etc. Refrain from using personal references like parents, grandparents, and friends.

7. Lying

Employers are looking for trustworthy staff they can rely on to get the job done. Be honest on your CV and in your interview and build a good relationship with your prospective employer right from the start. Lying on your CV or at your interview can cost you more than a job, it can also land you up in jail.

Click here to read more about how you can now face jail time for lying on your CV.

8. Inappropriate social media posts

Inappropriate social media posts can ruin your chances of getting a job. Most hiring managers or recruiters go through your social media profiles just as seriously as they go through your CV. Before you start job hunting, check your online presence to see what prospective employers will be able to discover about you.

9. Lack of communication during the job hunting process

Being hard to reach is problematic when you are job hunting. Make sure that you’re available to answer your phone as much as possible. You’ll also need to sound professional so if you’re in a noisy environment rather let them leave a message and return their call as soon as possible. Likewise, check your email regularly and respond to prospective employers promptly. Don’t forget to check your spam folder.

10. Self-doubt

It’s difficult for prospective employers to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. Thinking that you’re not good enough reduces your chances of getting hired. While job hunting can come with plenty of rejections, find ways to keep your spirits up during the process. Talk to supportive friends or family members to remind yourself of the skills and talents that you have. You can also work on improving your skills so you can feel more empowered.

Job Hunting: Common Mistakes To Avoid | Job Mail
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Now that you know about the common mistakes to avoid when you are job hunting, you can start applying for the wide range of jobs available on Job Mail.

Job hunting: Common mistakes people make
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Job hunting: Common mistakes people make
There are a few common mistakes people make when job hunting. By knowing what mistakes to avoid, you can improve your chances of success.
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Job Mail
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4 Responses

  1. George Manisi says:

    I will be glad to get a salles & maketiing position as I have more than 17 years experience and worked for a number of differrent products & services both locally and internationally, have over 20 years trying experience

  2. Thulani Ntini says:

    I’ll be glad to get Salle’s an marketing position as I have more than 4 years of experience and worked for a number of different products and services locally

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