A job for the fearless – Find employment as a rigger
Are you looking for rigger jobs? If you aren’t scared of heights and you are physically fit, this might be the right career option for you. Benefits of these artisan jobs include a good salary and a dynamic work environment. From the tasks that are associated with this position to the average rigger salary, you can find out everything you need to know about this career by reading our blog. You can find rigger vacancies on Job Mail.
What are rigger jobs
Firstly, let us take a look at the duties that make up the daily routine of rigger jobs. Riggers use ropes to access areas that are challenging to reach without scaffolding. They can find employment working on construction sites or at shipping yards. Their skills are required at mines and on oil rigs. Riggers also complete tasks on high buildings or on bridges.
These artisan jobs involve carrying out maintenance and cleaning tasks. Other duties include cleaning windows and conducting building inspections. Riggers are involved in rescue work as well as the installation of safety nets on cliffs. They complete tasks on wind turbines and are involved with carrying out repairs on aircrafts.
Vacancies for riggers to erect signs for signage companies are also available. Tall buildings are painted by riggers, and employees in this position are also tasked with inspecting and maintaining lifting gear. They ensure that cranes, derricks, hoists and jacks are kept in top condition. They must have an understanding of how to work with scaffolding and platforms in order to carry out their daily tasks. An understanding of tripods is also required.
The duties of a rigger are physically demanding and risky. Riggers are responsible for determining the weight of items that need to be relocated. They ensure that objects are properly secured before they use lifting equipment to move them. They are responsible for upholding high levels of safety.
Skills and qualifications
To be eligible for rigger vacancies, you will need to be healthy and physically fit. A commitment to upholding high safety standards is required for this position. Riggers must be trustworthy and observant. Since this position involves completing tasks at an elevated height, you will need courage to succeed. This position isn’t suitable for people who are afraid of heights. Riggers must be happy to do physical work and complete tasks as part of a team.
If you want to apply for rigger jobs, you will need the right qualifications. One option is to complete an apprenticeship prior to passing a Trade Test. You can receive training through a TVET college and you can expect to complete the practical aspect of your apprenticeship by working under a qualified artisan. Another option is to complete a learnership in Chemical Rigging, Mechanical Handling or as a Rigging Ropesman.
After the learnership, you will need to pass a Trade test. You can complete training through RAI, GRAVITEK or TOPROPE. Another option is the Africa Training Centre. A grade 9 certificate should be sufficient to enter the training to become a rigger. However, some employers require a higher level of education. While there are no subject requirements, it’s recommended that you study engineering and technology or mathematics if you want to pursue this career. Physical science is also beneficial.
Advantages and disadvantages of artisan jobs
These artisan jobs offer you variety since you will face different challenges every day. With plenty of employment opportunities to choose from, you are unlikely to get bored working as a rigger. Another benefit of this position is its good remuneration. According to Payscale, the average annual rigger salary is R255 508. While there are plenty of advantages to this role, working as a rigger can be risky. This position is physically demanding and may involve dirty work conditions that are not suitable for everyone. Riggers are expected to work overtime and their job may involve spending periods away from home.
The different types of riggers
These artisan jobs can also be referred to as construction cable layer and winch erector roles. Different types of positions in this field include construction, forest, hoisting equipment, scaffolding, ship and theatrical riggers.
Now that you know more about rigger jobs, you can search for positions online. With the right skills and qualifications, you will be eligible for a range of rigger vacancies.

8 years working as a Regger l love lifting controlling looking after everyone underneath, sirrine to worn everyone working under suspended load
I would really like to try this field of work as a Rigger
Hi Ntombizonke,
Read through the post for useful information like the qualifications your need as well as the advantages and disadvantages.
Kind regards,
The Job Mail Team