Introducing the improved Job Mail CV Database

Over the last couple of months Job Mail has been asking all its recruiters and employees what they need to find the best candidates. Job Mail has been working around the clock to meet these requirements. Today,we are proud to announce our super-improved Job Mail CV Database.

This updated Job Mail CV database has a multitude of new features that will make finding that perfect candidate much easier. Job Mail aims to make match making a quick and easy process for all employers/ recruiters through advanced search and a better applicant management system. These advancements will make finding the ideal employees a time saving task thanks to our improved CV database system.

In the last two weeks Job Mail has had over 7400 new job seekers join our CV database, this means you now have more talent to choose from. With the introduction of our new CV Database system, finding your future employee will be a hassle-free task. Be prepared to be impressed…

Today, we will run you through some of the new features on our super-improved Job Mail CV System, so that you can be an expert at acquiring experts. Log-in now, so we can begin…

Once you have logged in, you will notice that the dashboard looks very different to the previous system, wouldn’t you agree? The improvements on our new system are endless. First, let us show you how our search category has advanced. You can now search for that perfect job candidate by the following new fields:

  1. Job Title (if you select this you can find candidates via their current job titles)
  2. Qualification Achieved (find qualified job hunters fast)
  3. Highest Education Level (now you can find educated job seekers)
  4. Level of Employment (this is a good way to find experienced candidates)
  5. Availability (this is the best way to find employees that can start immediately)
  6. Work Status  (to find SA citizens and permanent residents)

With better search functionality, it was clear Job Mail also needed a CV layout transformation too. Once you have placed in all your search criteria into the new advanced search bar, the Job Mail CV database will show you all the candidates that meet your requirements.  You will  notice that the cover letter of each employee has been removed from the summary display. This means you can now access the below relevant details better:

  1. Desired Job Title
  2. Availability
  3. Employment Level
  4. Highest Education
  5. Last 3 Positions

After you have reviewed all the potential candidates, you can ascertain which candidates are right for the job position you have advertised on Job Mail.

This is your opportunity to dig a little deeper into these potentials and see whether they meet the grade so you can invite them for an interview. You will notice that the dashboard has also changed to show the desired search criteria. In this case we decided to search based on the applicants Job Title. The Job Mail CV Database pulled through 110 results. From these results the most qualified candidates will appear at the top of these search results. It is crucial to make sure the fields that you use to search are the type of candidates you require.

As mentioned, once you have agreed on your search category the system will push the following details to you:

  1. Job Title (this is the search category you have selected to find candidates with)
  2. Applicant subject (this is the subject the applicant has used to address you)
  3. Applicant (this is the link you click to go into the candidates CV)
  4. The date you accessed their CV (The specifies the day you found their CV)

If you would like to view the applicants complete profile then simply click on the hyperlinked field under the “Applicants” tab and you will immediately access this candidates full CV.

Once the full CV is open, at the top of the navigation bar you can decide if you would like to see more of the candidates’ information by selecting the “Summary”, “Cover Letter” or “CV” links and navigate to that section of the job seekers profile. You can also review the CV and reply directly to this applicant to set-up an interview. If the candidate does not meet your requirements, you can simply click on the “Decline” button and the system will notify the applicant that they have not been selected for the post that you had advertised on Job Mail.

Job Mail understands that most recruiters get on average over 100 applications a day and it is often difficult to ascertain which job these candidates are applying for. This is why we have added the below feature for you to better manage all those applications. Once an applicant applies for a post you can see what he is applying for and what date he applied for this position.

Job Mail also knows that you have positions that demand specific skills and sometimes you need qualified candidates to perform certain tasks like a writing test. For our premium Job Mail clients we offer a Questions service. This service allows employers to get candidates to perform a number of tasks. Employers registered as premium account holders can then review the quality of the candidates question following the writing test. Employers can gauge from the quality of the answers  whether this job seeker should come in for an interview.

Job Mail offers these  and other services for premium clients to make finding that perfect candidate that much easier. If you would like to become a new Job Mail client and have access to these  and our other beneficial services, we ask that you please contact one of our experts at The standard and corporate account rates are displayed below for your convenience.



We hope to see you using our new Job Mail CV Database soon!

Remember if you don’t place your free Job Mail adverts then the job seekers out there won’t know about the positions you have available. So make sure you advertise your available  job positions today!

If you have any other suggestions to make our Job Mail CV Database even better please do let our Job Master know at and he will make sure our techies make it happen.

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