Insight into the Production Manager profession

Some of you may have heard of the job title “production manager” before, but you might be unsure about what you do if you are one and what you need to do to become one. Well, today I’m going to give you all the info that you need to know about this profession.

So, what exactly is a production manager?

Also referred to as an “operations manager” a production manager is involved with the planning, co-ordination and control of a manufacturing process or service. Their job is to ensure that goods and / or services are produced efficiently at the right cost and level of quality. Most production managers are responsible for both human and material resources. Manufacturing and processing companies employ the majority of production managers, but they are also found in the entertainment, publishing and various other industries.

Production Management

So, what exactly does a production manager do?

A production manager overseeing the production / manufacturing process and draws up a production schedule. They ensure that the production is cost effective and it’s their job to make sure that products are produced on time and are of good quality. They work out which human and material resources are required for projects and draft timescales for them.

Production managers also estimate costs, set the quality standards and monitor the production processes and adjust schedules (if needed). They are also responsible for for the selection and maintenance of equipment, monitoring product standards and implementing quality-control programs. Production managers liaise with different departments in companies and work with managers to implement policies and goals. They also ensure that health and safety guidelines are followed. In most cases they also supervise and motivate a team of workers, review their performance and identify their training needs.

How do you become a production manager?

A good degree in an appropriate field is normally required. Alternatively you can do short courses in production management at universities / colleges in South Africa to obtain the required skills to become a production manager. It differs from industry to industry, but most production managers start their careers as trainees or in junior posts and work themselves up.

Which key skills are required to be a production manager?

You need to be confident and organized to be a production manager. You also need the required technical and IT skills for the industry that you work in. Good interpersonal, problem solving, communication and team working skills are also required.

As part of our #YouWantMyJob series, we recently spoke to Hemal. He’s the production manager at Junk Mail Publishing. Watch the video below to get some pointers on how to become a production manager.

[youtube id=”_HyURI1YEgk” align=”center” maxwidth=”720″]

There you have it, some insight into the Production Manager profession. If you have been educated by these useful tips, feel free to spread the knowledge by sharing this article with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Remember: Sharing is Caring.

Are you qualified to be one? Apply for one of the latest production manager positions on Job Mail today! If this is not your field of expertise, feel free to update your Job Mail CV today to increase your chances of being seen by employers.

Watch this space for regular updates for job seekers and feel free to check out the other articles in our #YouWantMyJob series on the Job Mail blog.

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1 Response

  1. Feb 7, 2014

    […] post Insight into the Production Manager profession appeared first on Job Mail […]

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