Increase productivity and turnover: Motivate your people

Want to increase the productivity and turnover of your business?

It could be as simple as increasing the morale of your workforce.

By adapting a “Positive Reinforcement” management style you have the power
to motivate and inspire your employees to work harder, reach their full potential
and achieve bigger goals for your organisation.

In essence, if you invest in your people, they will invest in you…

These are some effective methods you can apply to encourage your employees
to new professional heights:

1.    Pay them what they’re worth

It’s tough for the average employee to mentally justify why they should be loyal and give their best to a company who doesn’t give them its best. Do the right thing and encourage worker loyalty, by paying your employees market-related salaries.

2.    Recognise their efforts and accomplishments

Don’t let hard work and initiative on the employee’s part go unnoticed and unrewarded. Show appreciation with a simple “thank you” or applause in person or publically, corporate gifts, parties in their honor etc. Knowing their efforts are recognised will inspire an employee to do even more for the organisation that rewards them faithfully.

3.    Reward with incentives

Do you have special deadlines to meet or goals to achieve? Encourage your people to make it happen, by giving them incentives. For example, tell your team that if they meet this month’s R300 000 sales target, they will all be treated to a day at a spa or lunch at a great restaurant. Be creative with your incentives, but make sure that your workers will find it appealing and worth their effort.

4.    Cultivate their potential

Nobody appreciates being undervalued and overlooked. Know what your people are capable of and their strengths, and put them in a position where they can apply these skills for the better of the company. This will help them feel that they are contributing to the organisation’s success, and inspire them to want to contribute even more.  Also regularly provide opportunities for your workers to develop their skills and knowledge through training, workshops, conferences etc.

5.    Mentor them personally

Employees who enjoy your personal mentorship and attention in company affairs will feel a greater sense of responsibility and worth to the company, and in turn invest more time and energy into making it a success. Be involved in their daily tasks as much as possible and give guidance and direction where needed.

6.    Engage your employees

Let your employees know that they are playing a vital role towards fulfilling the long-term vision of the organisation, by keeping them informed and involved in decision making processes. With regular feedback sessions, inform your people of what has been achieved thus far and where the organisation is headed. This will inspire and give them a clear idea as to what they can personally contribute to achieve the corporate vision.

7.    Provide room for growth and promotion

If there is one thing that drives employees to work harder and accomplish more, it’s the prospect of promotion and taking their career to the next level. Create opportunity for growth and advancement, and regularly review your staff members’ performance for greater responsibility in the company.

8.    Be attentive to their needs

Employees are human, and humans have needs that should be met in order to function optimally… They need rest, they need to eat, they need to spend time with their families, etc. Take your employees needs into consideration, by not over-working them, allowing recreation time and ensuring that their job does not interfere with their family responsibilities. Your employees will be refreshed, well-balanced, clear-headed and eager to serve your business to the best of their abilities.

9.    Be reasonable in your expectations

You might have the hardest working and smartest staff members, but don’t expect them to pull a rabbit from a hat… Although you are allowed to nurture the potential of your people and expect great results from them, be reasonable with the duties you assign to them. Nothing demotivates an employee more than being under constant pressure and scrutiny, and not being able to meet the expectations of superiors, no matter how hard they try.

10.  Strengthen the team

Teamwork in any organisation is essential to achieve the best possible results and build trust and good rapport among employees. Invest in regular corporate team-building activities for your staff, where they can get to know one another better and find common ground on which they can “shape” the company together.

11.  Be fun and creative

You might be conducting “serious” business, but the atmosphere around your office does not need to be serious and stern. Keep the mood light and motivating, by having fun at the office on certain days. Be creative… Get the team to dress up according to a theme, have an office party, post encouraging notes on the walls, support a charity event together etc.

12.  Be a “He/She’s got my back” type of boss

Everyone can make a mistake, but how you deal with it in the workplace can have a great impact on the confidence of your employees. Be watchful not to instil fear in your workers, by being threatening and intimidating, but correct and guide them in a positive and encouraging manner. Without the constant fear of making a mistake, your staff will have the boldness to be creative, take risks and ultimately achieve greater things for your organisation…

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