How to Get Noticed By Your Boss

Do you sometimes feel like everyone else is being promoted and excelling in their careers, while you are missing each and every opportunity? If you would like to excel in your career, or stand out as a professional, the solution is simple: You have to put in the hard work!

Female Employee Working

Getting noticed by your manager is about more than just getting your work done:

If this post still has your attention, then you are one step closer to getting noticed. You will be happy to know that there are certain steps you can take that will get you noticed by the right people and put you on a successful career path, where you belong.

Remember that building relationships is important:

Building relationships is an essential part of getting noticed by the right people. Networking is not only about meeting the right people; it is also about being kind and offering your help and support to people in the professional world. Start small if you must – for example, if you are heading to a shop, make a note to ask the people around you if they would like something as well and save them the trip.

Do not let your standards drop:

You know what you are capable of and what you would like to achieve in the professional world. And letting your standards drop is definitely not on the list. So dress well, show up on time, meet your deadlines, and adopt a positive attitude at work. These are all small things that will get you noticed for the right reasons. Every positive thing you do will count towards improving people’s perceptions of you.

Do not be afraid to speak up:

Do not be afraid to share your thoughts; give your leaders and team members your input and ideas when you have the chance. It can seem daunting at first, but once you start giving ideas, people might start noticing your efforts and willingness. Of course, this tip should be used with caution. For example:

  • Do not speak up or voice your opinions in a condescending way.
  • Do not enforce your opinions on everyone.
  • Do not give ideas just for the sake of giving ideas. Make sure that your ideas are valid and can add value to the business.

Have a positive attitude:

Nothing is more demotivating in a team than a negative person bringing down the spirit in the office, so don’t be that person! Try to adopt a positive mindset when you are at work. This might be hard when you are stressed and have deadlines to meet, but having a negative mindset will not add to your motivation or level of productivity, and it surely won’t get you noticed for the right reasons.

If stress causes you to constantly think negatively towards your work and your career, then find out how you can relieve your stress quickly so that you can start performing at your best again.

Upgrade your skills:

One of the best ways to get noticed and be considered for a promotion is to upgrade your skills. This shows your managers and fellow employees that you are serious about your career and that you are committed to becoming a professional in your field.

So, if you have found these tips helpful, take action today to get noticed in the workplace and increase your chances of promotion. To find out more about how you can upgrade your skills while keeping your full-time job, click here.

How to Get Noticed By Your Boss
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How to Get Noticed By Your Boss
Getting noticed by your boss is about more than just getting your work done. Find out how you should go about it.
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Job Mail
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5 Responses

  1. Well shared ideas. I like what you are putting across to the public.ofcourse there are instances where the boss just doesn’t like you for reasons best known to him. What you have shared is definitely helpful.

  2. I really appreciate the article. So helpful. Thank you very much!

  3. Favour says:

    Thanks very educational

  4. Mphodisa says:

    Very helpful indeed!

  5. Ben Munyoro says:

    Brilliant refresher article, if practiced the tips will make a huge benefit at the workplace.

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