How to become a Sales Manager

Do you want to become a sales manager? Sales executive and managerial roles offer rewarding careers. With sales manager jobs available on Job Mail across a range of industries, there are a variety of employment opportunities available.

sales manager

The Sales Manager job description

A sales manager, also sometimes referred to as a sales executive, is responsible for overseeing the employees who make up the the sales team. They ensure that the sales operations run smoothly and efficiently.

At the core of this position is the responsibility of planning, organising and co-ordinating sales activities. Tasks that are associated with this position include calculating price lists and discounts as well as promotion budgets.

A sales manager is also responsible for stipulating delivery terms and sales strategies. They develop and approve sales campaigns with the aim of increasing the company’s profits. It is also important for an employee in this role to determine and oversee operational procedures which effect sales activities.

They are tasked with implementing and overseeing administrative procedures which ensure that the sales department runs effectively. Budgeting is an essential part of sales jobs as it established the efficient application of resources.

sales manager

As this is a managerial position it involves leading a team of sales staff and you will also be involved in hiring and training new employees for the sales department. In order to ensure that the sales department is running efficiently the manager is required to conduct performance reviews with members of the sales team. This allows the manager to encourage the sales staff as well as to identify areas which need improvement.

Once the sales manager is aware of areas that need to be improved on they can organise relevant training for the sales staff. Sales managers are also required to liaise with other departments in the company as well as to attend meetings. They represent the company at conventions as well as at exhibitions.

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Education and training for a Sales Executive and Manager

It is generally necessary to complete a degree or diploma in Marketing. Industry specific qualifications can increase your chances of being hired. Vacancies in these types of sales jobs are senior level positions and experience in sales is required to obtain this role.

sales jobs

If you have a National Senior Certificate you can enrol for a Marketing Diploma or a Bachelor of Marketing. This qualification is a good foundation if you want to become a sales executive or manager. Another option is to complete a relevant qualification which will grant you entry into Honours in Marketing. It is advisable to check the entry requirements of the educational establishment where you want to study as these may differ.

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What it takes to be a sales manager

A job as a sales manager is both exciting and challenging, and you will be required to keep up to date with developments in the industry that you are working in as well as with sales trends. Sales managers are employed across a range of industries which means that you can choose a position that is aligned with your interests as well as with your experience. As this is a senior level position it comes with the opportunity to earn a good salary.

A sales manager salary is typically R 495 033 per annum. Relevant experience is associated with an increased salary for this role. Technical Sales skills also typically result in an increased salary. The downside of this position is that it can be stressful as it requires the ability to work under pressure in order to meet deadlines.

skills for sales manager jobs

Sales jobs with a managerial role require leadership skills and as well as excellent interpersonal and communicational skills. Sales managers need to be self-motivated as well as have the ability to motivate others. Problem solving capabilities are vital for this role.

As sales managers need to work with budgets, they need numerical and analytical skills. Knowledge of marketing forms a strong basis for a career as a sales manager.

Whether you are in sales already or you want to make a career change, sales managerial positions are a good option. With the right skills and experience you can succeed in this career path.

Ready to start applying for sales manager jobs on Job Mail? Register your CV and apply for your dream job today!

How to become a Sales Manager
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How to become a Sales Manager
With sales manager jobs available on Job Mail across a range of industries, there are a variety of employment opportunities available.
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Job Mail
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