Let jobs find you, set up a Job Mail Job Alert

Browsing the web searching for job opportunities can be tiresome and daunting, especially when you can’t find what you are looking for among the masses op vacancies being advertised.

What if there was a way to make the right job opportunities find you instead of the other way around?

Well, there is! With Job Mail, you can quickly and easily set up a Job Alert, and have the right job come straight to you…

What’s great about Job Alerts is that it not only notifies you of fantastic opportunities in your industry and field of interest, but gives you the advantage of being one of the first to apply for a job.

So how do you set up a Job Alert on Job Mail?

Follow these simple steps and then just wait for great job opportunities to come knocking…

1. Login to your account. You’ll find this box on the top right of the Job Mail home page. If you are not registered as a job seeker on Job Mail yet, click here to register before you start the process to set up a job alert.

2. When you log in you’ll be directed to the job seeker dashboard.  Click on “Find a New Job” (on the bottom left of the page). The menu will expand. Click on “Manage Alerts” once it has expanded.

3. Click on the “Add An Alert” to continue the process.

4. You will now see this form in front of you.

  •  Give your alert a name (e.g. “Sales”, “Marketing”, “Finance”, etc).
  • Fill in the keywords for the position(s) you are looking for (e.g. “Receptionist”, “PA”, “Social Media”, “Fitter”, “Turner”, etc – more than one keyword is allowed for an alert, but try to keep it short and to the point, e.g. “Sales Representative”, “PHP Developer”, etc.
  • Choose the province where you are job hunting from the drop down list.
  • Choose the industry in which you are job hunting from the drop down list.
  • Choose the sub-industry in which you are job hunting from the drop down list.
  • Select the notice period for your updates (every 2 days, every week or every 2 weeks)
  • Tick the “Alert me via e-mail” box if you want to receive job alerts via e-mail. If you don’t want to receive e-mails you can log into your Job Mail profile regularly to check if jobs have been posted in your field.
  • Click on “SAVE” to complete the process.

If you have completed the process, the “Manage Alerts” section should look similar to this.

You can set up as many job alerts as you want to. If you any queries, feel free to e-mail our Webmaster.

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38 Responses

  1. pebane m.t says:

    can i get job alert or notification to the email: thatopebane@gmail.co.za

  2. Zama says:

    May I be updated with jobs everyday.

  3. caroline makgae says:

    Hi every1 I’m caroline my dream is 2 get a job and I’m intrested construction and mining fields I’m qualified as basic ambulance assisstant and also safety officer I m hard worker that willing 2 learn much in life .thanks

    • job-admin says:

      Hi Caroline – Check Job Mail regularly for jobs that you need! Hope you find a job soon!

  4. sarinah maria says:

    Haai!iam sarinah boya iam looking for a job anyjob that ccan make me happy.I have certificate of computer ,stores,firstiad,drivers licence code10 en e.t.c and I wil be execited if we appriciate tht

    • job-admin says:

      Hi Sarinah – Set up a job alert for jobs or check the Job Mail website daily for Jobs that you need! Hope you find the job that you need soon!

  5. Kennny says:

    Retail and hospitality jnr management.

    • job-admin says:

      Hi Kenny – Follow the instructions set out in this post and set up a job alert. You can also check Job Mail’s website regularly for newly posted vacancies. Hope you find the job that you need soon!

  6. Thembi says:


    • job-admin says:

      Hi Thembi – You can be. Just follow the instructions set out in this post to set up a Job Alert.

  7. Dairai zhangazha says:

    Hie i am a man aged 33 years old .I am looking for a job as a code 14 .I am a driver with 11years driving experience for both long and short distances.pdp available.I am looking fowarsd to hear from you.
    Thank you

  8. lucy motloung says:

    Hi, I’m Lucy, I’m 34 yrs old and I have a code 08 drivers licence with matric, I’m looking for a job

    • Henno Kruger says:

      Thanks for your feedback. If you have not registered your CV on Job Mail yet, then follow this link http://bit.ly/XYlihL (on your mobile phone). Then look for Jobs that you need at http://bit.ly/YN2hz9 (on your cell phone) or http://bit.ly/ZaJZra (on your PC) and apply for them. Search for “Gardener”, “Cashier” “Driver”, “Internship”, “Learnership” (or any other keyword) to find relevant jobs on Job Mail. Hope you find the job that you need soon. E-mail us via signmeup@jobmail.co.za

  9. Bongumenzi says:

    Hey everyone I’m a matriculant and I’m seeking for any job available

  10. Itumeleng Khaka says:

    Hi I’m looking for job like sales or cleaning I’m black men from pretoria I have 25yr old I am the best candidate course I love to work my stuff sometimes and I have litttle expirence. And i apply this job because I need this job so call me 0786664273 or email no itumelengkhaka@yahoo.com

    Good day…

  11. sthembile says:

    Hi am looking for a job;honest am hardworking person;I’ve cashier;clerk than promoted to supervisor I’ve 7 years experience in shoprite please contact me my no is 0798667768

  12. Monica Gugu Ntuli says:

    Hey my name is Monica I’m looking 4 job as a cleaner or or domesticworker I’m 32years old I’m a SA I’m a hardworker n a fast learner for other jobs I’m available I can Start immediately u can contact me on 0720625409 or email on monicagugulethu@gmail.com. Thank u

  13. bheki says:

    hey there I am bheki .I am lkng for a driving job ,I am code “10” drver can cll anytym contact no. 0793500747 ,thnks.

  14. Puseletso says:

    Hi i could like a job in courier sevices, i have matric and a code 8 drivers license, but i dont have experiece in the field

  15. Confidence says:

    Hi my name is confidence. I have a diploma in computer & accounting. I have a licence in cabin crew. And an experience as a real estate agent, I’m currently looking for a job.even if it’s to be a receptionist /admin assistance Please help!

  16. Lucia says:

    hi,may I be alerted with jobs available in Pretoria that requires matrix only cos since I passed my matric in 2010 I have been applying for jobs n nothing seems to come my way.any job that is legal I’m willing to try my level best.thnx hope you get to enjoy ur day

  17. Nomsa says:

    Need help desparatly looking for a job

  18. Nomfundo says:

    Hai I’ve been applying so long bt no one call me maybe it mi badluck,I’m from pmb a gal who’s looking for a hospitality job or a cleaner here’s mi number 0722303273 plz help though

  19. jethro says:

    Hi guys I’m Jethro am looking for a job I have code 10 my phone number is 0824305726

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