Generation Z: What to expect from them in the workplace

Generation Z is entering the workplace and companies can benefit from understanding what to expect from their newest employees. While dealing with the generation gaps can be a challenge, insight into the needs of each generation can help to create a work environment where everyone thrives.

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Generation Z age range

Generation Z consists of individuals born from mid-1990 to mid-2000. This means that some of them have already entered the workforce. While there has been a focus on the characteristics of Millennials, it’s important to understand the latest generation of employees.

A few quick benefits of hiring a Gen Z

  • Gen Zs are great at multitasking
  • They are entrepreneurial
  • Gen Zs are focused on individuality
  • They are innovative and expect the same from companies since they are more digitally orientated
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What to expect from Generation Z

  • They’re technologically advanced

A defining characteristic of this generation is that they grew up with technology at their fingertips. From smartphones to Wi-Fi, they had access to the latest technology right from the start. Cloud computing, apps, and the world wide web all became widespread during this period. The most important difference between Generation Z and Millennials is the digital context they grew up in. They’ve never been part of a world that doesn’t include technology, so they expect the same from their workplace. They expect to use video calls to connect rather than the phone. Company systems that use the cloud to allow access from any device are also an expected part of office life for these employees. You can make your organisation more appealing to Generation Z employees by getting up to date with the latest technology.

  • They prefer independent learning

Generation Z is likely to search for a YouTube instructional video to help solve any problem. They enjoy learning independently and like to direct their own learning experience. They’re visually orientated, which means they learn best through images and videos.

  • They don’t have very strong interpersonal skills

With the growing dependence on technology, Generation Z is lacking interpersonal and communication skills. While using a diverse range of technology comes naturally to them, face-to-face teamwork is more of a challenge. They’re more comfortable using online forums to express themselves.

  • They’re great multi-taskers

Generation Z stays connected across a range of communication channels and they’re great multi-taskers. Their to focus on multiple tasks at once can be advantageous to your organisation.

  • They want a good work-life balance

Generation Z employees value their time outside of the office. While they enjoy spending time away from work, their extreme connectivity makes it harder for them to maintain boundaries between work and pleasure. If their projects involve technology, they may be tempted to work on them during their time off. Companies can implement health and wellness programs to attract and retain Generation Z employees. Their desire to find a good work-life balance makes these programs appealing to them.

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Now that you know more about Generation Z, you’ll be better equipped to hire new employees.

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Generation Z: What to expect from them in the workplace
Article Name
Generation Z: What to expect from them in the workplace
Generation Z is entering the workplace and companies can benefit from understanding what to expect from their newest employees.
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Job Mail
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