General Interview Questions for Employers / Recruiters

Looking for questions you can use during an interview?

We have made a list of 15 questions you might like to include asking during an interview.

  1. How would you describe your ideal job and/or boss?
  2. Why are you looking for a job? Why are you leaving your current position?
  3. What unique experience or qualifications separate you from other candidates?
  4. Tell me about yourself…who are you?
  5. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  6. Tell us about your most important career accomplishments.
  7. What are your short-term/long-term goals?
  8. How soon will you be able to start if you are offered the position?
  9. What are your salary requirements?
  10. Why are you interested in this position? Our company?
  11. What would your former boss/colleagues say about you?
  12. What are the best and worst aspects of your previous job?
  13. What do you know about our company?
  14. What motivates you? How do you motivate others?
  15. Are you willing to relocate?

If you have any other general questions to add, please let us know by leaving a comment on this blog post.

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8 Responses

  1. calfonia says:

    Thank you stay blessed

  2. Neo says:

    how can you answer the question:what motivate you or hw can you motivate others?

  3. MORRIS says:

    Thank you very much : these are the questions which I have been looking for

  4. Emmanuel says:

    i once came across this questions “what do you understand about quality” & “what do you understand about preventative of maintanance”? please help me with answers

  5. Emmanuel says:

    please help us with answers to the questions that you have made above

    • Job Mailer says:

      Hey Emmanuel – Answers to these question can differ from company to company and employer to employer. There are no set answers for these questions

  6. mpho says:

    Thank for the question and some are the they always ask me.According to my understanding answers differs from company to company and to your understanding by the time of the interview.

  7. nhlanhla says:

    These are some questions I was asked few days ago and I failed the interview. Thank you very much I wish I had these i tips before.

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