Debt Attorney? Find out what this job is all about…
A Debt Collection Attorney is defined as a lawyer who specializes in the act of debt collection for credit companies. They are usually hired by credit companies, but an individual can also hire a Debt Attorney if they find themselves in financial situations such as being bankrupt.
As a Debt Collection Attorney, you can be employed by credit companies as well as people who find themselves in financial bankruptcy. After gaining your qualifications and some experience, as a Debt Attorney your strongest skill will be your ability to tell whether or not to pursue the litigation.
Debt Attorneys should not be mistaken for debt collectors. They differ in many ways, the most obvious being that debtors cannot employ debt collectors. Debt collectors are solely employed by creditor or credit companies.
Another thing to take note of is that, when you are hired as a Debt Attorney, it is often a last resort by creditors as well as the debtors. Your job is to help either party by either collecting the credit owed or getting them out of bankruptcy.
One example of a Debt Attorneys firm is HTN Attorneys based in Park town. HTN Attorneys have clients include credit companies such as, TFG, Capitec Bank, FNB, Lewis, Bruma Finance etc,
Debt Attorneys also go by the name Bankruptcy Lawyers. To become a debt attorney or bankruptcy lawyer you must first obtain a four year bachelor’s degree. You do not necessarily have to major in certain subjects, but majoring in a subject like economics can help better your understanding of bankruptcy or debt.
After graduating in your law degree and law school, you can enroll at a bankruptcy law clinic, such as Wits Law Clinic.
Bankruptcy clinics will help equip you with hands-on practical legal experience, under a supervising attorney who already operates in the industry. You can also apply for bankruptcy internships where students can learn as they work for a law firm.
Are you looking for attorney jobs? For legal jobs in South Africa visit or browse through the Job Mail website for your ideal job.