Consider a career in Internal Auditing
Internal audit jobs offer lucrative employment opportunities in South Africa. Whether you are considering a different career path or you want to explore various employment opportunities, finding out more about Internal Auditing is advantageous. Forensic auditing offers interesting assignments which are litigious or potentially litigious.
An internal auditor plays a crucial role in companies as they contribute to the survival of the business and help to increase its profits. Their reports are useful to managerial staff as they are used to show investors that the business is well run.
Internal auditors are responsible for evaluating the company’s accounts and finances to determine how effectively risks are being managed. They also assess the company’s management systems and processes. Once they have made an in-depth assessment, they offer advice on how to make the company’s systems and processes more efficient. Responsibilities differ depending on the industry and according to individual employers. A key difference between internal and external auditors is that internal auditors include factors such as reputation and ethics in their evaluation of the company.
Internal audit jobs usually require you to work in an office as well as travel in order to meet clients. During busy periods, such as tax audits, they may be required to work after hours to meet deadlines. Employment can be found in professional firms, large companies and organizations. Positions are also available in local government and academia. Another option is forensic auditing. Forensic auditing involves evaluations which can be used for legal disputes in court. They are responsible for detecting fraudulent activities and may be asked to appear in court as an expert witness.
Internal auditors need to be self-motivated and confident with the ability to meet deadlines. Superior problem solving skills are required for this position. They also need excellent numeracy, IT and mathematical skills. To become an internal auditor, it is necessary to complete an academic qualification as well as practical training. After this, they will need to pass a test of competence. Internal Auditors can become a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
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If you are good at problem solving and have excellent numeracy skills, then consider a career in Internal Auditing. With different organizations which require the skills of an internal auditor, you can pick a job that suits your interests and skills.
Start looking for Internal Audit jobs or Forensic Auditing positions in your area by registering your CV on