Beware! New Scam Targeting Innocent Job Seekers!

The Job Mail team would like to take this time to inform you about a new scam that is targeting Job Seekers.  Be on the lookout for a job scammer who is trawling South African classifieds websites. There is a trend going around. This scammer has been making money off innocent job seekers. He creates hundreds of fake e-mail addresses and uses them to place adverts for non-existing   jobs.

scam alert

When a job seeker replies to one of these addresses, they receive 10 e-mails from non-existing recruiters prompting them to fax their documents and certificates to a given 0866 fax number. This scammer has been around for the last 7 years and he is still creating new addresses and fake recruiter names every week. One of our employees browsed one of our competitor’s classifieds websites and there were tons of fake adverts posted by this scammer. Our employee tested a couple of them and within minutes he received the same e-mails from many different “recruiters”. None of them offered direct contact details (only a 0866 fax number). There were also other job blogs where people complained about the same thing.  We have noticed that the scammer’s modus operandi is still the same and he never seems to get caught.

Job Mail reported this person to our competitor. Eventually they blocked the “sender”, but because he is using such a lot of different addresses, he can get away with it every time. The scammer just switches between sets of free e-mail addresses and place his fake ads in all the cities, small towns, from Putsonderwater to Lichtenburg – name a place, and you will find one of his scam ads there!

The following e-mail addresses are involved in this scam:

The scammer previously used a group of addresses which were verified on as belonging to the same person and having the same contact telephone number. He must have caught wind of being tailed, as he deleted / discontinued that group of e-mail addies and cleverly started using new ones.

Job Seekers reading this post should not get caught by this scam. We have warned Job Seekers on the Job Mail blog about the new Fax Ploy. This scam works almost the same. If you encounter a recruiter that is only using a 086 Fax Number as contact details, please report them to our Job Mail Consultant via e-mail at or telephonically on 012 342 3840 x2620 (during office hours)

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161 Responses

  1. Mia Nel says:

    Hi there. I decided to write this little article, since it might help your readers:

    I’ve been a recipient of the scam CV-emails for a while now. I immediately thought it was an attempt of identity theft, as I haven’t applied for work for quite a number of years. At the same time that I started receiving these mails, I also started receiving calls from an unidentified number. As soon as I answered these calls, the person on the other end just hung up, so I started rejecting calls from unidentified numbers.

    Last week though, I received a call from a number listed as ‘+2321’ and decided to answer. ‘Hallo, is this Mia Roets?’ the gentleman on the other end asked with a thick african-french accent. ‘Yes,’ I replied slowly. ‘What are you doing?’ he asked. ‘I’m sorry, what do you mean?’ I replied. ‘What work are you doing?’ he said. ‘I’m a mother currently,’ I responded, ‘why?’ ‘ know…for an interview…What did you do before then?’ he stuttered. ‘That information is personal, may I ask who is speaking?’ I asked. ‘It’s Timothy. Someone gave me your number.’ At that point the line became bad, and he said he would phone me back from another line. He didn’t of course.

    I knew it was a scam because of the following reasons:

    1. He called me by my maiden name.
    2. He didn’t identify himself immediately. A professional person will immediately state their full name, where they are calling from, and what the reason for the call is.
    3. Someone who has been referred to you by a friend or a colleague won’t say ‘someone gave me your number.’ A professional will say something like ‘(persons name) thought you might be interested in (available position) we have available.’

    If the line didn’t start breaking up I would have proceeded to ask the caller a line of questions in order to verify the authenticity of the call. As a job-seeker you should have these questions ready before you receive a call from a recruiter or possible employer, in order to weed out scamsters like this. Your identity is your most precious commodity, you have to know how to guard it because you can’t replace it!

    • Job Mailer says:

      Hi Mia – Thanks for your comment and making your views about this known

    • sandiso says:

      At Ottawa mall in jhb, they call you for an interview and tell you that you pay once off agency fee after you signed with the company. The offer is too good to be true. Is this legit?

      • Henno Kruger says:

        Most likely not, there have been reports about Ottawa Mall

      • mathes says:

        I’m Mathes I fell on this scam in JHB cbd otawa Mall in 2015 and I thought that they are gone. Many desperate job seekers fall for them, WHERE Are THE POLICE OF THE COUNTRY GUYS?? this days when you look for a job you become a prey to this money Hungry cold lions

  2. John Botes says:

    Thank you for this article on your blog.

    I have been looking for work for the last year, and make use of yours and other sites to search. I have stopped counting the 086 numbers that replied to me. I felt unsure about sending so much info about myself to an 086 fax no so I have not done so. Something upsetting though is that somehow one of these scammers has infiltrated my email account and is using my details to send spam to people. I know this because of the non delivery messages I keep getting for emails I did not send.
    Please keep filtering scammers out so that when I apply for a job I am actually applying not just sending my CV to scammers.


    John Botes

  3. BUSIE says:

    thanks a lot for warning us re: this matter, because we ss despareate job seekers we fall for any scam that come across without noticing that its a scam.

  4. John Botes says:

    would you consider hiring me to help keep scammers out? Here are some more such addresses and the opening lines to the emails. 0866912219 0866563804 0862250254 0866526176

    “Thanks for responding to our advertised position.”

    “We received a response from you regarding a vacancy that was advertised.”

    “Thank you for responding to our advertised vacancy.”

    “We have noticed your interest in a vacant position that was recently advertised by us.”

    “Notice that no reference is made to which job you apparently applied for. Only that you applied for a job? No verification, no human presence except that a human typed the generic reply.”

    Thnks again,

    John Botes

    • Job Mailer says:

      Hi John – Please forward these details to our consultant Rose. You can reach her via or telephonically on 012-3423840 x2620.

    • charmaine says:

      Hi .

      I recived the following sms which turned out to be a scam.they scammed me of my time and money.

      Good day,
      Please check your emails as we have responded to your job application
      Your interview details with us at SNT Marketing on 06 MAY 2016 at 11h00. The address is 5th floor, Golden Heights Building next to the Golden walk shopping center, 141 Victoria Str, Germiston. Please be dressed in formal, bring a copy of your CV and a pen. If you have any queries please contact us on 0813197274. Daniel-SNT Marketing.

  5. Job Mailer says:

    Hi Abegail – Thanks for your feedback. Please forward these details to our consultant Rose. You can reach her via

  6. Danie says:

    Hi, we need companies like JobMail to stand up and protect their clients by opening a case at the police please. Please note that me as end user or individual can’t make money off fax2email, it’s only companies. Telkom partnered with three companies, so it’s either one of them posting the fake ads or a subsidiary. Here is the contact details of the companies:

    Come on Jobmail, we DEARLY need you to get out of your cozy office and go to the police and report this fraud! PLEASE!!

  7. Melanie says:

    Hi i did no longer reply to the people who do not tell me which postion i applied for only to those that do and that state their company name but they also state NOT to send a id copy, thats how i know they are not scams but they also have 086 fax nommers most fax have an 086 so are you saying i should’t send my cv to those who i think and know are not scams?

  8. Michael says:

    The way this scam works is that every time a fax gets sent to one of these 086 fax numbers, the reseller of that 086 number gets a small commission. This may only be 50c per page, but if there are thousands of faxes being sent every day then the commission can amount to thousands of rands per month. What needs to be done to stop this is to track down the company that is responsible for paying the commission for these 086 numbers to the scammer, and get them to hand over the commission account details (ie: bank account name etc.)to the police, as there is clearly a paper trail that can be followed to the scammers bank account.

    The following numbers are presently in use for this scam:


  9. Bianca J says:

    I did post this on the other post, but would rather give warning in as many places as possible.

    They have a new Modus Operandi! And here are some of the new email addresses:

    One of the ads that I applied for suggested I SMS Admin1 to a number. A few minutes later I received this sms:

    +2782003502636181: Thanks, Send CV to ALL new openings ( or ( or (

    I duly emailed my CVs to all 3 and didn’t get a response. The next morning, beginning at 3am I started receiving the emails as per this scam. I think I’ve received from every single one listed above so far, all over the weekend, and at all strange hours.

    I’ve goggled the three company names above, and the only place they show up is on job listing sites. There are no company websites, or other info on them.

    The ads all look genuine, they are detailed, and there doesn’t seem to be much repetition between the 3.

    I did think it was strange when the CV asked me to send my CV to 3 companies.

    I didn’t fax anything, as in this day and age I was confused as to why they wanted it faxed, not emailed. Thanks to this post I now know why! I also felt it odd that they wanted a photo.

    I hope that this information protects others from possibly being scammed in the future.

    If I do get a genuine response from any of the companies above, I will be certain to update this post.

  10. nomv says:

    Hi guys. Iv been a victim of the086 scam many times. Until i read it here that it is a scam. Thanks jobmail.
    However i am a bit concerned about the advert of EDUK LIMITED, email address and teachers, students, marketing sales people wanted in UK Tier 4 visa and sponsorship arranged, it sounds too good to be true. Check the websites relating to it, and it doesnt look good, infact if you google search it you get results of im afraid a lot of people will be scammed by this if at all its not genuine.

  11. bally says:

    Been ask to fax may cv to Rouchelle” Fax: 0865258364

  12. S van Tonder says:

    Seems we have been scammed by this recruiting agency. I have applied at so many places on the internet for a job.
    The next moment we received a sms to pay R430.00 for permit costs for work in Windhoek.
    Sender D van Staden. We phoned D van Staden and said we will deposit the money the foll day.
    The account number in the sms was in the name of Ben van Staden POSTBANK.
    They did give a adress, I have looked it up but it is undeveloped land. No business telephone number.
    We deposited the money and phoned D van Staden again. He promised that he will send the contract they were just very busy.
    They e-mailed it the following day.
    We signed it and emailed it back. We’ll it is 4 weeks later. Every time we phone this D van Staden he is very busy and and say he is waiting for this and that.
    We phoned him yesterday, and guess what ?
    His phone is ringing and the voice box is full.
    I guess we have been scammed.

  13. Andre says:

    Good day dear Jobseeker

    Herewith we are responding to your notice of interest we received, regarding the recently advertised vacancy.

    In order to be considered for this application you will have to forward certain documentation to us.

    This will entail the following:

    Introduction letter (maximum one page in length, introducing yourself and why you will be perfect for this vacancy)

    CV (recently updated with current contact information)

    Certificates (to proof education)

    Reference letters (from previous employers and/or any other third party)

    We are aware that most Jobseekers are not in possession of scanning facilities, and therefore to standardize the format in which we accept this documentation, we are requesting all jobseekers to forward these requested documents via the following fax number: 0865635450

    Please send all these documents in one batch, to avoid unnecessary sorting and collating of documents on our side, which will delay the application process, and also sometimes prevent us from creating a complete file of candidates’ documentation.

    We rely on your cooperation, in this regard.

    We now await your application.

    Kind regards

    VIKING Solutions

  14. Zintle says:

    1.value personnel services 086 590 4430 solutions 086 563 5450

    3. human resources 086 590 0731

    4. hr career consultants 086 525 8364

    5. job genie 086 563 6824


  15. Asanda says:

    Hi Henno

    Do you know of any way of stopping these email from coming through. They are filling up my inbox and I have to delete about 15 emails a day. I applied online on Best Jobs South Africa website on behalf of my brother using my email address. He got replies on his email address in response to his applications, I was then supprised when I started receiving emails saying I have applied for post that are not even mentioned in the emails.
    noreply@jobpartner.com0865909654 0865652981 0865908853

  16. thembisa says:

    Thank you so much for bringing these scams to our attention. These scammers need to be brought to book and be punished coz they waste jobseekers tym and money. Is there a way to pick the scams up when browsing for jobs? In my opinion, all companies using ‘gmail emails’ and require photos are fake,coz as a registered company,u should have yo own website and email with a company name. I believe a CV only should be sufficient when applying until one gets to be shortlisted only then further documents should be required. Thanks a lot.

  17. Morne says:

    Hi Guys

    Is anyone familiar with a recruitment company based in Cape Town called POWT? (Profesional overseas work and travel)

    I applied for work in Abu Dabhi through them and also paid a “registration fee”. I had a Skype interview with a lady and was given hotels that she will apply at. I was going to have an interview in July but it was moved to august. I haven’t heard anything from them since and she is not responding to my e-mails.

    I searched the internet trying to find out if they are scammers but couldn’t find anything.

    Any advice?

    Kind Regards
    Morne GAlloway

    • Henno Kruger says:

      Hi Morne – This may or not be a scam. Please confirm with our consultant Rose. E-mail her via

      • Desiree says:

        I have been scammed by POWT,along with many other people. I paid them a total of R5500 in sept 2014, till today im still waiting for my visa and work contract from a Dubai based hotel called the Taj hotel.They are good con artists.

  18. Natalie says:

    Hi there,

    It is at this moment happening to me too, I spent the whole day yesterday sending out cv’s and applications and I got three genuine replies same day, then @ 12:16pm I got an email from

    HR Career Consultants – – RD Moonsamy – fax 086 525 8364 – ref Rouchelle – 5 days to reply.
    I am a funny person so when I couldn’t recall the application to link with the email I started google’ing .
    1st RD Moonsamy exists on LinkedIn and he is in HR.
    2de is an over seas recruitment website.

    when I found this Thread it made sense and so help me as I am reading this page a second email comes through :

    same context from :
    Work Services – – Mary Nurbitt – fax 086 563 7781 @ 03:51 am

    Bloody Idiots

    Do they stop after awhile and it is only the emails right?

    Anyway good luck to all yall also searching for work , stay safe.


  19. Mandi says:

    HI, I think I have been scammed as I have not heard anything after sending my cv and copy of my id to

    Has this been confirmed? Anyone else had the same suspicion?

    I realized as I saw today that the ads had been removed.


  20. Tokkie says:

    I have been getting emails with this address with a name in front. every half n hour. It drives me crazy! it is a different name every time. and the worst of all is the e-mail comes through as from my email address to my email address! the please replay to eg: but the name is different every time! hell no! what can i do because i cant block it!

  21. lindiwe zulu says:

    These fake employment agencies are ran by Nigerian criminals. They ask you to send you CV, photo, ID and as much information as possible. They then fake your identity and claim qualifications they do not hold in front of employers. The bogus job recruiters use fax numbers only, have no phone number or email to be reached on. Their email says no-reply.

    As everybody knows, wherever you go in South Africa you find Nigerian fraudstars, bank account hackers and drug dealers destroying South African society.

  22. Landi says:

    Hi Henno. Do you think this is a scam? A Great business opportunity for anyone who wants to work in the comfort of their own home. This is a genuine offer and not to be confused with scams! Requirements: You will need a computer with Internet access, valid email address, average typing skills and basic Internet knowledge. You will be processing orders from your computer. Administration staff needed Must be/have: -Computer literate -Grade 12 -Available immediately -Good Communicating Skill -Work under Pressure. For more info please send an email to LOOKING FOR 12 BEST CANDIDATES FOR THIS POSITION ASAP!!!!!! NB: jobs that require an up-front payment are scams. Your discretion is advised.

  23. t allott says:

    do not know if job is company s africa is scam, I trod warily seeing they are offering massive pay, and asked what pay you may really get and they did not reply and when I tried find out how apply and pressed apply tab my e mail did not work, are they scam? t Allott uk

  24. Selvan says:

    Hi there, I was just wondering if there were any follow up news about The company POWT ( Professional overseas work and travel) I have had am interview with the company but before I complete my registration I would like to know if the companies legitimacy.

  25. Terry says:

    Hearing abt every1’s stories really scares me bcoz i jst realized I have bin scammed too, i ws asked to send cv, photo, qualifications and introduction letter. This ws such an eye opener, thanx guys

  26. Janet says:

    Job seekers – be careful if a recruiter does not give the company name or a contact number. If you are asked to send your CV to a free email address, such as gmail, chances are good that you will be spammed to death with fake job offers, from fake recruiters every single day. The email addresses (recruiters) will all be different, but with one thing in common – you cannot respond, because they use a noreply or noresponse email.

    In the email they send you, they request all your certificates, your CV, your ID etc. In other words, quite a lot of pages which can only be forwarded via FAX! The 086 number that they are giving you, generates an income for them. The job seekers gets ripped off by having to pay more than R2 a page, and they are responding to unscrupulous people who send the same emails out to hundreds of hopeful job applicants. If only they knew that these jobs do not exist! Such people seem to be untouchable, as they change their recruiter names and email addresses all the time.

    Please report ads that offers too good to be true salaries for a general job e.g. typing or data capturing. If a recruiter does not offer a website or contact number, chances are good that it is a scam.

  27. andre uys says:

    the companies that host these ads must be held accountable as they dont authenticate the details of advertisers and i hope it becomes law in south africa.for eg. i can place a false ad and its not detected.

  28. TumeloM says:

    I received the following email from Patricia Monroe ( Reply To Your Gumtree Admin / Office Support Application
    Good day
    Thank you for your application, according to your qualifications and
    experience, you meet our requirements. Please read below carefully and
    only reply if you are truly interested.
    The following is more info regarding the Administrator opportunity you
    have expressed interest in:
    As an Administrator, the following will be expected from you:
    1. Access to a computer (whether it is your computer at home
    or the computer at work during quiet times or even the Internet café
    is of no importance – as long as you have one)
    2. Constant Internet Access – you will be working online
    3. A valid E-mail account
    4. A bank account (in order for you to receive payment)
    5. You must also be able to conduct yourself in a professional
    manner at all times. You have to be a peoples person. This includes
    having excellent grammar and spelling when communicating with clients
    via E-mail
    6. In addition to the above requirements, you must be able to
    follow instructions closely and completely

    All contact will be via E-mail – you will not be required to call
    anyone at anytime. The point behind the virtual industry is to cut
    down on office overheads after all (This allows you to work whichever
    hours are most convenient for you (days, nights, or weekends).
    You will need a word processing program in order to perform some tasks
    successfully (Microsoft Word, Works, Open Office etc.) Once you have
    received the training materials, you can start working from home
    today, or where ever you choose to conduct business. Whether you are
    employed or unemployed you can still apply for this. You can do it
    part time in the evenings or over weekends or full time.
    Duties – You will be processing Email applications. (This tends to be
    tedious at times, so please be sure that you have the patience to do
    so before proceeding). This is why you will need to have basic
    Internet knowledge, though the training provided will give you
    step-by-step instructions on how to perform these tasks properly. You
    will NOT be cold calling or selling products.
    There are no down-times with this opportunity, so you will have a
    constant flow of work to complete. However, you are able to take on as
    much or as little work as you wish.
    The amount of money you make each week is entirely up to you, and how
    much time and effort you are willing to put in with this opportunity.
    The average person makes R 3500 – R 4500 per week, for approx 2-5
    hours spent online per day. I cannot stress this enough – No one can
    force you to work so we cannot estimate or guarantee what you will
    earn. This is an exciting opportunity and it is very REAL.
    The constant influx of work is overwhelming. Once an applicant has
    registered, they are considered an Independent Processing Operator.
    You will be given the tools in order to function independently.
    Income – You will receive your pay through EFT’S or direct deposit
    when an application is completed successfully. An application is not
    complete until you have received payment in other words. One
    application takes an average of one hour to complete. Please do not
    wait for a paycheck at the end of the month – this is not going to
    happen. You will be paid per application when and if it is completed.
    The money trickles into your account all throughout the month
    Training – We require a fee of R70.00 for our training. For two
    reasons (a) it safeguards us from those applicants who really just
    want to waste our time by allowing us to set them up, train them and
    then they conveniently don’t do any work. (b) It covers our admin
    costs and registration fees. It is non refundable. This line of work
    is not for everyone, please think carefully before you proceed with
    your application, we would hate for you to feel out of pocket or done
    Upon completion of your registration and receipt of payment, your
    profile is forwarded to the training department where they begin the
    setup process with you.
    Keep in mind that the sooner you go through the training materials,
    the sooner you will start earning money. It takes the average
    applicant a day or so to work through the training manual after which
    they can start working immediately. I can be contacted via E-mail at
    any time after you have received your training materials to help you,
    or answer any questions you may have.
    If you consider yourself an appropriate candidate meet all the
    requirements, and are responsible enough to work independently, then
    please contact me via E-mail and I will send you the relevant
    registration form so you may get started. Please do not ask for
    registration forms if you are not really interested.

    Data Worx (Pty Ltd)

  29. Janet says:

    I would be very careful proceeding with this. If the sender provided you with a contact number to check things out first, it will be ok, but I was involved in something similar a few years ago.

    I responded to an Ad on Gumtree where the requirements for the “job” are almost similar to what you mentioned above.

    I received an email, asking me for a fee, to be paid upfront, for the training material.

    I paid the fee and the training material turned out to be full instructions in posting the same ad, luring others to pay the same, or a higher fee to yourself to receive the “training material”. So there is no job involved, other than scamming others the same way you had been scammed.

    Rather check it out, before you part with your money. Also report this to Gumtree and remember to give the ad id number.

  30. Jeanette says:

    I am assisting a few of my unemployed friends in finding a job and spend a lot of time on job portals, as well as job scam boards and blogs.

    I have the following tips for job seekers. Do not fax your info to an 086 number unless you know that you are dealing with a legit company or agency. Google names and fax numbers – you are bound to find something online. As for a contact number or the name of the recruitment agency. This way you can check out whether the agency is a legit one, with a proper website reflecting the contact info, location, as well as the vacancy list.

    A second tip is to take a couple of words from a job ad and put it in your browser and google the words. If it brings up the ad in different locations (job portals), check out the credentials of the poster. If it reflects a different name or different fax number – be cautious to just fax off your info.

    The truth is, that you may be playing into the hands of unscrupulous people, using the 086 fax functionality to earn themselves a cosy income. They receive a certain % of the costs per page and the more 086 numbers they have, the more non-existing job ads they can place, changing their recruiter names and 086 fax numbers.

    Thirdly – please take the time in reporting ads to the site moderators. This is the only way that we can stop these scammers.

  31. andee says:

    Just. Wanna say thank u all for sharing ur experiences, they helped me alot, unfortunately i fell into the trap, bt m glad now i know everything. There won’t be a next time.

  32. sean says:

    I received a email today from zynic recruitment agency, what caught my attention was a once off fee that had to be paid but the account holders name was different to that of zynic, out of curiosity I went to the bank that this company dealt with and they explained to me that the account had been blocked… I emailed the consultant that was put in charge of my so called application asking him why the account was blocked and the account holders name different and all the consultant could do was email me new banking details from a different bank and again a different account holders name. Im confused here and need alil advice,they have a legitimate website but the last it was updated was in September 2012,has anybody else dealt with these guys?

    • Rochelle says:

      Hi Sean
      I have also just received an email from the same company, would be great to see how this story unfolds. Some advice would be appreciated.

    • jessey-lee says:

      Hi there It seems I have to fallen victim to this agency. I paid the fee they requested for a portfolio of my cv to be drawn up and have yet to receive a copy of this. I paid the funds to an FNB bank acc which was not in the company name but an african ladys name.This was 2 weeks ago and I have yet to have any communication from them. I was dealing with a recruitment consultant by the name of Roy and have asked on numerous occasions to be called as it says they will call prospective candidates. Its very upsetting firstly to have now wasted money and secondly to have your hopes built up only to then be ignored. Does anyone have any more info on this company? Thanks jess

  33. victoria says:

    Hi! Every scam that all of you guys have listed here I have came acrossed although I never felt for one of them,but I am very discourage to appy for any job latelty I only use company websites have a profile with them like eskom,sasol,cocacola, etc,use jobmail or pnet, over these years getting these scams,my one rule is never to pay for a job I mean it doesn’t make sense you want a job and the next thing you have to pay isn’t that they need to pay you?or take out the money you owe them of which mostly will be uniform,and after you get the job! I am just starting to worry guys, look at our country its sad the high rate of unemployement and now the high rate of scams. Phew!
    All I am saying to be on a safe side,Don’t pay any fee of some sought,Do not use a fax number, for fake emails just place it as a spam when you receice it, definetly no work from home jobs please, and no smses,then in no time these scammers will be out of business.

    Just wanted to share be vigilent!

  34. Sibu says:

    Good day

    Thank you for your application, according to your qualifications and
    experience, you meet our requirements. Please read below carefully and
    only reply if you are truly interested.
    The following is more info regarding the Administrator opportunity you
    have expressed interest in:
    As an Administrator, the following will be expected from you:

     1.         Access to a computer (whether it is your computer at home
    or the computer at work during quiet times or even the Internet café
    is of no importance – as long as you have one)
    2.         Constant Internet Access – you will be working online
    3.         A valid E-mail account
    4.         A bank account (in order for you to receive payment)
    5.         You must also be able to conduct yourself in a professional
    manner at all times. You have to be a people’s person. This includes
    having excellent grammar and spelling when communicating with clients
    via E-mail
    6.         In addition to the above requirements, you must be able to
    follow instructions closely and completely

    All contact will be via E-mail – you will not be required to call
    anyone at anytime. The point behind the virtual industry is to cut
    down on office overheads after all (This allows you to work whichever
    hours are most convenient for you (days, nights, or weekends).
    You will need a word processing program in order to perform some tasks
    successfully (Microsoft Word, Works, Open Office etc.) Once you have
    received the training materials, you can start working from home
    today, or where ever you choose to conduct business. Whether you are
    employed or unemployed you can still apply for this. You can do it
    part time in the evenings or over weekends or full time.

    Duties – You will be processing Email applications. (This tends to be
    tedious at times, so please be sure that you have the patience to do
    so before proceeding). This is why you will need to have basic
    Internet knowledge, though the training provided will give you
    step-by-step instructions on how to perform these tasks properly. You
    will NOT be cold calling or selling products.

    There are no down-times with this opportunity, so you will have a
    constant flow of work to complete. However, you are able to take on as
    much or as little work as you wish.
    The amount of money you make each week is entirely up to you, and how
    much time and effort you are willing to put in with this opportunity.
    The average person makes R 3500 – R 4500 per week, for approx. 2-5
    hours spent online per day. I cannot stress this enough – No one can
    force you to work so we cannot estimate or guarantee what you will
    earn. This is an exciting opportunity and it is very REAL.

    The constant influx of work is overwhelming. Once an applicant has
    registered, they are considered an Independent Processing Operator.
    You will be given the tools in order to function independently.
    Income – You will receive your pay through EFT’S or direct deposit
    when an application is completed successfully. An application is not
    complete until you have received payment in other words. One
    application takes an average of one hour to complete. Please do not
    wait for a paycheck at the end of the month – this is not going to
    happen. You will be paid per application when and if it is completed.
    The money trickles into your account all throughout the month

    Training – We require a fee of R70.00 for our training. For two
    reasons (a) it safeguards us from those applicants who really just
    want to waste our time by allowing us to set them up, train them and
    then they conveniently don’t do any work. (b) It covers our admin
    costs and registration fees. It is non refundable. This line of work
    is not for everyone, please think carefully before you proceed with
    your application, we would hate for you to feel out of pocket or done

    Upon completion of your registration and receipt of payment, your
    profile is forwarded to the training department where they begin the
    setup process with you.
    Keep in mind that the sooner you go through the training materials,
    the sooner you will start earning money. It takes the average
    applicant a day or so to work through the training manual after which
    they can start working immediately. I can be contacted via E-mail at
    any time after you have received your training materials to help you,
    or answer any questions you may have.

    If you consider yourself an appropriate candidate meet all the
    requirements, and are responsible enough to work independently, then
    please contact me via E-mail and I will send you the relevant
    registration form so you may get started. Please do not ask for
    registration forms if you are not really interested.


    Data Worx (Pty Ltd)

  35. Sibu says:

    What made me thonk ofbsearching if thisvwas legit is because 2 weeks ago I recieved the same email but with a different amount which was R250 for the training package. Thank God I delayed the process of filling in forms and paying the money.

  36. Eddy says:

    @Sean Zynic is one of the biggest scams going on right now. I paid them the money and never heard from them again. There email started like this “You recently applied for a vacant position advertised by Zynic Recruitment Agency. You have been successfully listed as the first choice candidate for the position.” DO NOT PAY THEM!

  37. anon says:

    I am dealing with Zynic right now. I was on gumtree yesterday and replied to about 4 different ads. I then realised they were all the same agency but had different names attached to the ad. Also no phone number or email on the gumtree ad. They also did not name the companies these jobs were for. But I now receive an email from Zynic wanting me to sign some kind of contract or agreement letter thing. I was suspicious because I have gone through all the email scams with the fax number 086 already. So very wary. In fact I’m onbly here because when I googles “Zynic” it bought me to here.

  38. khosi Shozi says:

    I also applied for a Job posting on Gumtree yesterday and I received a reply today from ZYNIC stating that:
    Good day,

    You recently applied for a vacant position advertised by Zynic Recruitment Agency. You have been successfully listed as the first choice candidate for the position.

    Attached to this mail is the Candidate Representation Agreement Form. Read Carefully before proceeding with the vacancy application process.

    For more information about the Job Position kindly contact the consultant in-charge of your application.

    Consultant: Roy Enduwell


    Your Reference: 420/GZK,

    Since I couldn’t remember the post that I applied for and they DONT state it, I replied to the e-mail and asked for details of the post that I applied for and they sent me the details, they even stated my future employer, so I decided to check them out, only to find that my prospective employer (their client) is a steel or aluminium company in Switzerland and they have no offices here in South Africa, so that ZYNIC Recruitment Agency is a big fat SCAM! Please don’t be fooled, oh! and they wanted me to pay a once off R390 Admin/Membership fee…….Thank God I saw this early.

  39. Anele says:

    Thank you guys and thank god I nearly fall for this Zynic recruitment agency scam they have send me email today claiming I should pay admin fee to build my portfolio, and when I was doing the research about I end up here keep up the good work guys

  40. henry says:

    This Zynic recruitment agency send me an email today with a candidate representation agreement and i must pay in R390 which i did. Gone is my money what can i do. Why they must take money of poor jobseekers.

  41. lulu says:

    I received an email from a company called growth point consultant situated in 216 oak avenue cnr republic,Randburg and decided to google about it,to my suprise i found out that alot of people are saying its a scam so can u please find out if this company is real or not

  42. dillan says:

    I had did a payment, they did come back to me this morning they want me to sms my details again and there was about 50 students cc on that mail.

    please look out for them.

    Website is also not working.

    Good day,

    We recently received your CV regarding the advertised vacancies and the agency would like to consider your application.

    Please SMS your full names and contact number to 35226 immediately. (R1/sms)

    You will be contacted within five working days.

    Positions to be filled in February 2015.



    You can also visit to check out available new vacancies.

    Thank you and best of luck.


    Dear ,
    It is with great joy that I acknowledge your acceptance of employment through our recruitment centre.
    Please find attached a copy of our application form to be filled and sent back through for processing. All Applicants with or without experience will undergo an induction training and must pass prior to final Job offer which will be conducted by our Company Bank Staffing Solutions.
    Please Note that for application purposes we do charge a Minimum fee of R249.00 ( Two Hundred and Forty Nine Rand Only ) to cover the application costs and ITC checks.
    On completion of the application form please fax through with proof of payment to 086 7503737 by the 30th January 2015
    NB. Make use of Reference No:345363457323 while making payment.
    Banking details as Follows:
    Account Name : Draw C
    Account : 4072818065
    Account Type : Savings
    Branch code : 63200
    Ref No. : 2345251663435
    We look forward to having you as an employee.
    Please accept my best wishes for a successful career with our company.

    Melusi Gordons
    Tel. 0110536985 I 0849687310
    Bank Staffing Solutions

  43. Debbie says:

    So here is my story; thank heavens I decided to Google search the consultant’s name. As i desperately wanted a contact phone number. Thank you khosi for your story.. oh & i didnt fall for the scam.

    From: Roy Enduwell | Zynic []
    Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:36 PM

    Dear Candidate,
    Administration/Membership fee is a once-off payment charged to create a professional portfolio for our website database, accessible by prospective employers. A copy of this portfolio will be forwarded to you.

    Reference: 420/GZK
    Quote this reference every time you email us

    You recently applied for a vacant position advertised by Zynic Recruitment Agency. You have been successfully listed as the first choice candidate for the position. That hurt deeply.. damn it!

    Client (Company): Ancotech Investments ???
    I am not given any certainty of location..

    Zynic Recruitment states that we must deposit R390 for further processes to take place. Now I am scared….having got excited at first…. for my husband.

  44. Thabo says:

    guys i almost fell for this zynic scam today. Thank God he saved me, i did get saved when i was at the bank with my 390 when i was suppose to deposit it just happened that i ended up wanting to google more. another suspicious thing was that of personal account.

  45. Chezlynn says:

    are these okes another scamming group…

    I received an email from them asking for R200.00 for training material to help set up my own business. Don’t want to get locked into these guys schemes

  46. sylvester says:

    Good day,                 
    Please read the below carefully and only reply if you are truly interested. This is a real opportunity and responding to candidates that are not truly interested takes up a lot of our resources. 
    The following is more info regarding the Admin opportunity you have expressed interest in:
    As an Administrator, the following will be expected from you:                                                         
    ·          Access to a Computer (whether it is your own computer or at work during quiet times or even the Internet café is of no importance – as long as you have one)
    ·          Internet Access – you will be working online
    ·          a valid E-mail account
    ·          a South African bank account (in order for you to receive payment)
    ·          You must also be able to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. You have to be a people person. This includes having excellent grammar and spelling when communicating with clients via E-mail
    ·          In addition to the above requirements, you must be able to follow instructions closely and completely
    All contact will be via E-mail – you will not be required to call anyone at any time. The point behind the virtual industry is to cut down on office overheads after all. This allows you to work whichever hours are most convenient for you (days, nights, or weekends).
    You will need a word processing program in order to perform some tasks successfully (Microsoft Word or Open Office etc.) Once you have received the training materials, you can start working from home today, or where ever you choose to conduct business. Whether you are employed or unemployed you can still apply for this. You can do it part time in the evenings or over weekends or full time. Whatever is convenient to your schedule? To the unemployed this can be something you might consider doing while you are looking for something permanent should you then decide to take a permanent position. That is exactly what I did, I was unemployed and had nothing to do but look for work. I honestly never had to take up any of the positions that I had gone for interviews as this was more than enough income and I have not looked back since. I have been doing this for quite some time now and don’t regret it for a moment. I spend around 7 hours a day (including evenings when my kiddies are sleeping) 5 days a week and make enough to provide well for my family. I myself am a parent with children and I am at home with them, comfortable and earning money at the same time.
    THE WORK – You will be processing Email applications, typing, as well as filling out forms in specific company databases (this tends to be tedious at times, so please be sure that you have the patience to do so before proceeding). This is why you will need to have basic Internet knowledge, though the training provided which will give you step-by-step instructions on how to perform these tasks properly. You will not be required to recruit people or send out chain emails. You will NOT be cold calling or selling products. This is actual admin work from home.
    There are no down-times with this opportunity however, you are able to take on as much or as little work as you wish.
    The amount of income you make each week is entirely up to you, and how much time and effort you are willing to put in with this opportunity. The average person makes R 2500 – R 4500 per week, for approx. 2-5 hours spent online per day. I cannot stress this enough – No one can stand behind you with a whip and force you to work so we cannot estimate or guarantee what you will earn. This is an exciting opportunity and it is very REAL. Guys pls advice me on this. Is this real or is it a scam????

  47. Jackie moon says:

    The scam is coming up again on Gumtree. Email address:

  48. Annah swafo says:

    Yho I saw an advert dat says Telkom need call centre I decided to call the contact no dat dey they said to me I should come with my CV and r100 for training since I don’t HV call center experience.. So I’m nt sure if its a scam or what please help

  49. Pamela says:

    Fast to Hire Recruiters
    What Next Recruitment

  50. Pamela says:

    Sinakho Staffshop

  51. zanele says:

    Hi guys please help me I want to know if this is a scam,I sent an sms to this number0727401713
    Then they sent me a msg saying
    ‘Security pre-interview 9am tomorow kruis& albertina sisulu century insurance building 1st floor office 114 jhb bring cv’

    The following day I went to interview I wrote a screening test,later they sent me a msg saying ‘dear applicant your application was successful and you passed your screening test and you have been considered for the post,report for registeration tomorow at 9am bring copy of your I’d & R100 reg fee’

    Please help me people I am really is their website

  52. naledi says:

    I received emails from 4 recruitment agencies requesting that I forward my photo,id,cv,reference letter and certificates
    Career4me 0866978767
    Careerjob 0862292138
    United HR solutions 0862285781
    Career essentials 0862292007
    Could it be a scam??

  53. Hi colleagues, how is all, and what you want to say on the topic of this paragraph, in my view its truly awesome in favor of me.

  54. Mahesh says:

    Looks like he is active on other recruitment sites as well. This is definitely not legit so beware if you come across this ad:

    Admin Assistants R16000p/m Mmabatho,No experience needed in North West – Swiss

    Must be able to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. You have to be a “people person”. This includes having excellent grammar and spelling when communicating with clients. Data entry and form filling work as well as general admin tasks and advertising will be your key functions. Please contact for more information on how to apply, Please note only direct emails to will be answered. Full or Part Time, No experience needed. Please check you inbox within one day (24 Hours) for our reply. Please note only direct emails to will be answered. Full or Part Time, No experience needed. Please check you inbox within one day (24 Hours) for our reply.

  55. Bianca says:

    Im sorry that i only saw this warning now, i faxed my Cv to 4 of these numbers. I got a bit concerned whne i got a 5th email requesting me to fax the documents and i didnt reconize the company, so i gooelged it and saw that it was in polokwane and i only applied for positions in East London. And now im a bit stressed that they have all my information, Please can smeone maybe shead some light on what the scammers get out of this?
    Infinite Personnel Services – 0862267565
    Career Essential – 0862292007
    Personnel Spot – 0862285472
    Career Jod – 0862292138
    Personnel Agency Services – 0865920168
    Golden Opportunities – 0862289927

  56. melinda says:

    Got an email, asking me to sms if I was available fir and interview to 47439 so I gave it a bash sort of knowing it was a scam (R3/sms) then they replied stating they have interviews next week and I would have to sms again to ask them to call me!

  57. C Sampson says:

    This does not apply to the same person but we were almost scammed by a Savanna Recruitment out of Guinea, working on behalf of Bellzone Mining – we went through the whole application process, on line interview, signed a contract – and then shock and horror, we had to pay 385 USD to some obscure name via Trans Union … of course we didn’t, but someone had seen on Bellzones site they were aware of a scam and please to contact them which we did… oh shock and horror, its a scam.. please be aware of these people the offers on the table were too good to overlook, but at the same time reasonable for out of country work.

  58. Cheryl says:

    Has anybody dealt with Soaring Staff or Main Solutions? They have adverts all over the place but only a fax number is supplied. I’m rather suspicious of them and don’t find proper contact details when googling them.

  59. Insaaf says:


    I also received emails from “noreply” addresses asking me to fax my cv, ID, certificates and letters of reference. I never responded because I always google the fax number, email address and company first.
    Two of the emails i received within less than 24 hours of each other, not even stating the position or any details. See below:

    “Staff CITY” 0860866983853

    “Career4me” 0866978767

    Also, Main Solution Recruiters and Soaring Staff are agencies who post hundreds of ads on legitimate sites like Career Junction and Careers24, but I never ever see a website for them, nor proper contact details. I never get responses from them, so I just stopped applying to jobs that they advertise when looking through Career Junction

  60. Chris says:

    I am feeling angry because I faxed a copy of my ID, my picture and CV to these fake fax number. Didn’t know they were scammers. No wonder I didn’t get any job offer through them. I think they’re now starting to use whatsapp because yesterday someone started interviewing me on whatsapp. I felt unseasy but I though what if it’s legitimate? Maybe it’s a potential employer using modern technology. But as the interview went on the interviewer’s English got worse so I told them I could no longer disclose any personal info. He or she used (felt like a man though) the number 0749654061. I feel stupid and almost violated but when you really need a job you don’t want to miss any opportunity.

  61. Renay says:


    I do not apply anymore on any jobs Main Solution Recruiters advertise. Just now I clicked on a Job ad and when I tried to apply online it directs me to a message that said I must fax my cv to a 086 number at Main Solution Recruiters. In the past I have faxed my cv to the 086 numbers they give but has not ever received any response to it. Such a shame they are abusing people who are desperate for a job. I went onto Main Solution Recruiters website and at the bottom is a link on how to create your own website for free.

  62. Dedee says:

    sjoe! I was so convinced that this is a real deal.fortunately before I appplied for the job I showed my husband the ad page,it had been advertised on botshabelo,randburg,vanderbijlpark,under the email adress and bethlehem with the email adress;i was sure it was my ticket to man didnt trust it for a bit so I searched for the company swiss recruiter and I came across many many scam messages about the site and none about such a recruitment company…beware guys,dont let desperation blind sight you!GOOD LUCK

  63. thuto says:

    After reading all these posts,I’m just shocked as I have been sending my documents via fax to soaring staff,main solutions and other “recruitment agencies”. I recently got an email from four seas personnel requesting me to send my names to some number and I will get a response, then after I will receive an email with all the details about the job. Are they legit?

    • Henno Kruger says:

      Check with our consultant Rose via

    • Michelle says:

      Just wanted to let you know that Main Solution Recruiters and Soaring Staff are companies which Our Company gets staff from we are a large company and our staff turnaround it big. We employ between 10 and 25 staff every month and most of them come from Main Solution Recruiters and 1 or 2 come from Soaring Staff. We also use one other recruitment company.

      • Hi Michelle – can you send me proper contact details for these recruiters then please, I run an NPO trying to help unemployed folk find work and prefer to deal with the recruiter direct – the internet is hopeless. Many thanks Cynthia Lewis Empowerment Resource Centre

  64. Yasmeen says:

    I’m shocked. Really. I had the same experience, I applied for ONE job and received more than 15 emails from recruiters I never heard off, and all of them asks for my photo,CV,copies of my matric certificate,drivers license and even my ears number. Oh, and it must be FAXED only. I didn’t respond to any of them, I immediately knew its a scam simply because they don’t specify the job I applied for and they asked for very personal information. These scammers go to far, and belongs in jail. How can we feel safe to apply for jobs with them just waiting for us like a bunch of hooligans. The idea of someone sitting with your personal information is sick, really. Hope they get caught. I feel so sorry for the people who fell for this.

  65. Yasmeen says:

    I meant ( sars) number. Sorry

  66. Bee says:

    I’ve been emailed by these so called recruitment agencies. The advice I can give to EVERYONE is don’t fax, sms or reply to these emails if they ask for a payment or if they don’t give a job description and name of the company. I was asked to come in for an interview, but was phoned on someone’s cell number, the place being around the corner from where I live, I went, it was a place called Credico, but they were operation from an unmarked house converted into business real-estate, I went for the interview, after my interview I read up about Credico, it’s an American company that is actually a scam, you do “training” and they promise you a promotion, but you never get promoted, you work Monday to Monday for a minimum wage and you get no time off. This is a Port Elizabeth based scam, please don’t be fooled. I recommend going to companies to drop your CV off, do not fax or email things like your I.D, drivers license, photo of yourself etc. They will use these for identity theft or use your matric Certificate or university degrees as their own. Stay safe everyone!

    • Angela Von Bulow says:

      Hi there, i cannot thank you enough for having this discussion. As an unemployed person trying to seek work it would be devastating having my identity stolen too. I felt suspicious about the emails and decided to google it and came across this blog. Thank you again for caring.

      This has really made me angry and upset as it is hard enough out there finding work for myself. If it was not for your awareness alot of us would have been taken for a ride we cannot afford at a this time in our lives.

      Here are some of the email address that have spammed my inbox:

      What made me suspicious is that there are no company contact details and only fax numbers.

      Thank you once again for this blog

  67. nocwaka says:

    hi my name is Nocwaka Ndabeni,i am very greatful that you guys are keeping us informed of such things and scams. I have a challenge though, a friend of mine has registered with POWT to find placement for work overseas she will roughly have to pay around R35 000 to the agency now my question is how does one know whether these agencies are legitimate I am very worried about the amount of money they ask and I do not know of anyone who actually got employment through this agency. please assist if you know anything or how to findout about their legitimacy.

  68. Abui, says:

    hey thr i want 2 ask if hez personnel are the real company or thy are just a scumer je bcs they hv told me to sms and i did that,help guyz pls

  69. Belinda says:

    I have recently found out that a person who has an 086 number receives money for every fax sent to them, this is why they are insisting on faxes, they are actually just making money from the faxes and discarding them. People, this is the 21st century, is an employer cannot receive and email from you, do you really want to work for them???

  70. Kegomoditswe says:

    Hi guys. Is Benny Recruitment and Training a scanner not? They say they hire call centre agents but require a fee of R900 before they place you?

  71. mercia says:

    hi, I have received a email from gau recruiters saying that I should sms “staff” followed by reference ADMHJ33 to 37587, to confirm that the salary is ok with me. also says I should not reply to that email address. Is it a scam?

  72. charmaine says:

    I have been laid off work and have desperately been looking for work via the various job sites. They have either requested monies or asked to fax the documentation through to them will all the relevant documentation, bearing in mind that the cv was emailed tot hem in the first place. This has become such a frustrating venture and is costing money and time. I have been scammed three times and am not sure where to turn to now for a job. I have even phoned agencies to be told that I have to go through the internet as there is no place in the reception area to receive all the people who are looking for jobs. I have received various phone calls on my cell late at night asking if I am still looking for work. How can we try and help you and ourselves to stop this nonsense? I have deleted all the emails that I have sent to the various companies off of my hard drive.

  73. tonio says:

    Hi my name is mastrahntonio yesterday i recieved an msg of my job approval.
    I must pay R380 for my work permit. This morning i recieved another one from a other source. The people goes by the name of james and johan . Boilermaking mining jobs in namibia windhoek why cant they put these fellens on the news . Their contact details is 0798556066 james 0813685103 maybe you can phone them and track them

  74. Heidi says:

    Hi. Can you comment on a company named STW employment in Umhlanga – Shine the way 399?

  75. pearl says:

    I received the same email from swiss recruiters. But now I went to different job adverts and they give u a what’s app number to text and mind you its different posts.
    I dd and both of them sent the same text back

    OK, come tommorw at 9am to Johannesburg @ 164 commissioner street Karina House office no 104 . come with CV ID and 50r fr study guide

  76. lorraine says:

    Good day

    The following is more info regarding the opportunity you have expressed interest in. Please read till the end.

    You will need:

    1. Access to a PC (whether it is your PC at home or the PC at work during quiet times or even the Internet café is of no importance – as long as you have access to one. Smart Phones can also be used.

    2. Constant Internet Access – you will be working “online”

    3. A valid E-mail account.

    4. A bank account (in order for you to receive payment)

    5. You must also be able to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. You have to be a “people person”. This includes having excellent grammar and spelling when communicating with clients via E-mail.

    6. In addition to the above requirements, you must be able to follow instructions closely and completely.

    7. You will need a word processing program in order to perform some tasks successfully (MS Word, Works, Open Office etc.)

    Personal Requirements: -The ability to complete tasks unsupervised. Registered applicants are considered to be independent, freelance agents. Once you have your training material, you will have all the necessary tools to complete your tasks.

    ·Ability to follow instructions to the letter, closely and completely. Attention to detail – for example – ensuring that spelling and grammar is correct when completing tasks. Professionalism and ability to communicate.

    ·All contact will be via e-mail – you will not be required to call anyone at any time, therefore written communication skills are required.

    THE WORK – You will be processing Email applications, (this tends to be tedious at times, so please be sure that you have the patience to do so before proceeding). This is why you will need to have basic Internet knowledge, though the training provided will give you step-by-step instructions on how to perform these tasks properly.

    You will NOT be cold calling or selling products, spamming or soliciting anyone.

    There are no “down-times” with this business opportunity, so you will have a constant flow of work to complete. However, you are able to take on as much or as little work as you wish.

    The constant influx of work is overwhelming. Once an applicant has registered, they are considered an Independent Processing Operator. You will be given the “tools” in order to function independently. This means that your taxes will not be taken out; therefore, you will not be provided with any tax forms. This is entirely your responsibility. The training provided will go more in depth about what to do with your taxes.

    THE INCOME – You will receive your pay through EFT or direct deposit. When an application is completed, between R150.00 to R250.00 will be paid to you on the same day. You will be paid per completed task (individually and not in batches). The amount of money you make each week is entirely up to you, and how much time and effort you are willing to put in with this opportunity. The average person makes R2, 500.00– R5, 000.00 per week, for approx. 2-5 hours spent online per day. I cannot stress this enough – The work/income ratio is completely dependent on the time and effort you put in.

    THE TRAINING – We require a fee of R200.00 for our training material. For two reasons (1) it separates the serious from the not-so-serious. (2) It covers your registration and administration fees. It is non-refundable.

    TO REGISTER – If you consider yourself an appropriate candidate meet all the requirements, and are responsible enough to work for yourself, then please contact us via E-mail and we will send you the banking details and training so you may get started. Please email if you would like to proceed.

    Keep in mind that the sooner you go through the training materials, the sooner you will start earning money. It takes the average applicant a day to work through the training manual after which they can start working immediately. We can be contacted via E-mail at ( any time after you have received your training materials to help you, or answer any questions you may have.


    Swiss Recruiters

    I contacted them, I saw an ad on Locanto website. Is it a scam??

    Please let me know 🙂

  77. Nas says:

    Hey guys this article has been very helpful to me and I’m currently desperate for a job I replied to a job vacancy that was posted on some of the websites however they only wanted my email and contact details ,nothing about my CV it was a position for an admin clerk I thought it was an actual company turned out to be an online based service they go by the name Virtual typing services and they request an amount in order for one to receive a detailed manual of how everything works out so I don’t know if its a scam or not I have been a bit hesitant their email is

  78. pali says:

    Cnr Harrison and Albertina sisulu street no42 misheick building 2nd floor no 29 job for debt collectors iv been called for enterview. R there any scams reports there

  79. Cleopatra says:

    I need to know about fivesea personnel is there even such a company or agency?

  80. sadiyya says:

    Good evening

    I am currently seeking employment and yesterday I had received an email regarding a position that i apparently applied for. I immediately became suspicious as the sender did not make mention of the actual position and required my photo as well. By the end of the day i received 4 of these type of emails and went back and checked all had a very similar fax number. I have reported all as spam. Please take note of the following email addresses.>

  81. Scammed says:

    The 086 fax number scam is once again rife on all free job portals, such as Gumtree. Scammers have become aware about all the warnings about faxing info to an 086 fax number, and not given a legit company or recruiter email to respond to.

    Currently they are using gmail addresses in their job ad. The minute you respond to this gmail address, enquiring about the job, you get spammed with emails from FAKE RECRUITERS, with a no-reply email address, signed by a fake person. All the emails have one thing in common. They urge job seekers to urgently fax their info to the given 086 fax number. No further contact details, or a legit South African website. Sometimes they use an overseas recruiter name, just to confuse job seekers and to make it look legit at first sight.

    The MO for these 086 fax number scammers, is that they earn a portion of the fax costs, which is much higher, at premium rates. That is why they have their ads on all possible platforms. The more pages they receive, the more money they make.

    They keep on changing their email addresses, as well as their 086 fax numbers.

    I am sure that the 086 fax numbers can be traced back to the company giving out the fax to email numbers. This way we can report the scammers.

    Please also note that not all 086 fax numbers are those of scammers. Legit companies also use 086 numbers, but then they will give you a landline and website of their legit recruiter agency or company.

    A hint is whenever you see a poster listing his jobs with a gmail address, to check out his other ads. If he has more than one job ad, enquire about the name of the company or the recruiter agency. Google that same email address, or part of the job ad and see what you can find on internet. Chances are good that the poster lists the same ad, but for various locations.

    Most importantly, if you have enquired for a specific job, write down the email address in the ad, and if you receive the fake recruiter email or get spammed with a lot of them on a daily basis, REPORT it to the website, for e.g. Gumtree.

  82. lindi says:

    On da 8th of Aug I received an email for the very 1st time in months after graduating…they were offering me a job at Mediclinic as a care giver…the agreement forms were so legit I signed and paid 600 for the uniform I’ve never heard from since now…BE AWare I’m nt upset bcz of the 600 BT bcz of the hope they gave to me

  83. gwens says:

    received the below this morning, it doesn’t sound legit. no interview only appointment and salary mentioned
    Good day,

    We received your application regarding the Bank Teller Vacancy and we’re glad to inform you that our application has been approved.

    Position is to be filled within the second week of September 2016.

    Please sms the word ‘STAFF’ followed by your NAMES to 37587 immediately. (R3/sms).

    Follow other instructions provided and request your appointment letter.

    Appointment letter will include starting date, salaries and more information about the employers.



    Five Seas via Hez.

  84. Moreblessing Kuchenga says:

    I also received an e-mail like gwens ,is it a scum

  85. nono says:

    please advise if fourseas personnel is a scam too,applied on indeed and i called them the person who answered was a man but ddint say anything audible could here whispering then a woman took the phone their numbers r 0839008869/0839008870

  86. Moreblessing Kuchenga says:

    Hello Moreblessing Kuchenga

    We’re writing to let you know that it’s very important that you complete your registration (and start enjoying our service) to get successfully matched with Canadian Employers

    *2 weeks or less, is the usual time-frame to get successfully matched with Canadian Employers



     As a qualified prospect, your next step would be to Click here and Continue with your application for Canada Job-Matching 

    Upon successful registration at the link above, our agents from Canada will re-edit your current Resume and make it according to Canadian Recruitment Standards and proceed with matching you with relevant employers in your field

    You can expect to receive Job-Matches from Highly Interested Canadian Employers in the first 1-2 Weeks upon your registration

    Kind regards,

     Tom Seddens
     Chief of Client Care at Good Hires™

     How to Start your Application Process
    1. Click on the following link in order to get your yourself signed-up for our “Canada Job Matching Service” ===>

    2. Once you sign-up, we will initiate the job-matching procedure on your behalf, and provide you with job results from Canadian employers, within 2 weeks time

    3. You will be receiving Your job results in writing.

    4. Estimated processing time is between 7-14 days.

    5. Estimated delivery time is on the same day we receive feedback from our recruiting partners across Canada.

    Free Work Permit Kit

    We will also provide you with a Free Work Permit Document Guide & Application Forms to help you file a Work Permit / HRSDC Job Validation by yourself (in accordance with a Canadian Employer) once a successful hire has been done.

    WATCH NOW: YouTube Videos of people whom we helped Work in Canada!


    Good Hires™ 343 Preston Street Ottawa, Ontario K1S 1N4 Tel: +1 613-699-7717

    I want to know if it is a scam

  87. Petu says:

    I just received applied for a customer service job in fourways and this was the response and when I tried to contact them it rings once and says number is invalid

    ‘Good day,

    We received your application regarding the Customer Service Position and your CV has been shortlisted.

    Please call 083 900 8870 or 083 900 8869 as soon as you receive this email.

    More information will be provided.


    Thank you.’

  88. Gullible_Brenda says:

    I have been scammed!! Here is the list of people that sent me an email stating I need to Fax my CV to them:
    Workbook recruitment
    Career network
    Life careers
    Job direction
    Career logistics
    All career jobs
    Career opportunity

    It is so frustrating because it is wasting my time in jib hunting. I must admit that I did send my CV to a fax number and when they email again asking or my CV I tried to research the company, and nothing.
    I have learned my lesson and research before applying
    I have been reading all the comment, and saw that sometimes random people starts phoning you. I hope that does not happen to me.
    How can I prevent these email coming through?

  89. Mthandeni says:

    Hi there I recently found a job post online at jobspace and would like to know of the authenticity of an administration job by which is a stay at home job as they say please help with this.

  90. There are so many of these people who only provide fax numbers Frozen Lemon Jobz is another

  91. liza says:

    I received an email from that said had been approved for a job but need to pay 320 mandatory..

  92. Edward says:

    Thank you for this information. Scammers need to be brought to book.

  93. Melitah says:

    Hi my name is melitah, I want to ask something I receive a call from Gau Recruiters they done interview on the phone and they want me email that saying I should pay R290 for placement fax the slip to 0862141869 and they give me their bank details

  94. Jennifer says:

    I’m just curious, as I have been caught by this and have just paid R500 for the 20 faxes sent, I get how I spent the cash, but how does he gain the cash, surely the money goes to the operator and not to his pockets??

  95. Hi please check if this is also a scam : combined with

  96. Brandon says:

    VSK recruiters and Could someone please inform me on these two groups. The information on both of their websites are painfully identical and they charge a R1000 “processing” fee for international work placement

  97. Erica says:

    Hi Henno

    I have recently been looking on Indeed for Admin jobs – i sent through an application because it had an email address and today i was send an email requesting that i send an SMS with code words etc. “normal SMS rates apply”

    Do you know whether this is likely a scam?

  98. enid says:

    Hi, applied for a job and got this response, is this a scam?

    Good day,
    The following is more info regarding the Admin opportunity you have expressed interest in:
    As a an Administrator, the following criteria applies and need to be met in order to apply for this opportunity:
    • A computer or access to one (whether it is your own computer or at work during quiet times or even the Internet café – as long as you have one)
    • Internet Access – you will also be working online
    • a valid E-mail account
    • a South African bank account (in order for you to receive payment)
    • Microsoft Office Software (Excel, Word, etc.)
    • In addition to the above requirements, you must be able to follow instructions closely and completely
    All contact will be via E-mail – you will not be required to call anyone at any time. The point behind the virtual industry is to cut down on office overheads after all. This allows you to work whichever hours are most convenient for you (days, nights, or weekends).
    You will need a word processing program in order to perform some tasks successfully (Microsoft Word or Open Office etc.) Once you have received the training materials, you can start working from home today, or where ever you choose to conduct business. Whether you are employed or unemployed you can still apply for this. You can do it part time in the evenings or over weekends or full time. Whatever is convenient to your schedule. To the unemployed this can be something you might consider doing while you are looking for something permanent should you then decide to take a permanent position. I spend around 5 hours a day 5 days a week and make enough to provide well for my family. I am a parent as well with 2 children and I am at home with them, comfortable and earning money at the same time.
    THE WORK – You will be processing Email applications, typing, as well as filling out forms in specific company databases (this tends to be tedious at times, so please be sure that you have the patience to do so before proceeding). This is why you will need to have basic Internet knowledge, though the training provided which will give you step-by-step instructions on how to perform these tasks properly. You will not be required to recruit people or send out chain emails. You will NOT be cold calling or selling products. This is actual admin work from home.
    There are no down-times with this opportunity however, you are able to take on as much or as little work as you wish. The amount of income you make each week is entirely up to you, and how much time and effort you are willing to put in with this opportunity. The average person makes R 2500 – R 4000 per week, for approx. 3-5 hours spent online per day. I cannot stress this enough – No one can stand behind you and force you to work so we cannot estimate or guarantee what you will earn.
    Like I said in above if you are not employed this could be a stepping stone to do part time while you search for something or you can put in a little more effort and do it full time which is what I did. So there is no hidden agenda, no scam, no recruiting more people, just admin work from home.
    THE INCOME – You will receive your pay through EFTs or direct deposit. When an application/task is completed successfully, R190.00 will be paid to you. An application/task is not complete until you have received payment in other words. Please do not wait for a pay check at the end of the month – this is not going to happen. You will be paid per task/application when and if it is completed. The money trickles into your account all throughout the month.
    THE TRAINING – We require a fee of R315.00 for our training. For two reasons (1) it safeguards us from those applicants who really just want to waste our time by allowing us to set them up, train them and then they conveniently don’t do any work. (2) It covers our admin costs and registration fees. It is non-refundable. This line of work is not for everyone, please think carefully before you proceed with your application, we would hate for you to feel out of pocket or done in. You have to be willing to put in the hours to earn the money. By proceeding with the registration you agree to the terms stated in this email and meet the criteria in order to register.
    Upon completion of your registration and receipt of payment, your profile is forwarded to the training department where they begin the setup process with you.
    Keep in mind that the sooner you go through the training materials, the sooner you will start earning. It takes the average applicant a day or so to work through the training manual after which they can start working immediately. I can be contacted via E-mail at any time after you have received your training materials to help you, or answer any questions you may have.

    Keep in mind that the sooner you go through the training materials, the sooner you will start earning. It takes the average applicant a day or so to work through the training manual after which they can start working immediately. I can be contacted via E-mail at any time after you have received your training materials to help you, or answer any questions you may have.
    If you consider yourself an appropriate candidate meet all the requirements, and are responsible enough to work independently, then please contact me via E-mail on or and I will send you the relevant application form so you can get started.

    • Jani Grey says:

      Hi Enid,

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. You should never pay for training in any way, so this is most likely a scam. Smart thinking.

      We will send this to one of our team members for further investigation.

      You are more than welcome to join the two following Facebook Groups. Vacancies are posted there on a daily basis and you might just find something that fits you skill set:

      Jobs on Job Mail >
      Jobs in Gauteng >

      Thank you for using Job Mail.

  99. Gillian Kerruish says:

    Hi Enid,

    I got the exact same e-mail from the same address, today (20/09/2017). I asked them to let me know which of the several job-sites they had received my application through.

    Still haven’t had a response.

    Kind regards

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