Are you planning on searching for a job over the holidays?
The holiday season offers you plenty of opportunities for part-time jobs and temp work. Both give you a chance to gain work experience as well as develop your capabilities. With a wide range of temporary jobs to choose from, it is easy to find a position that you are interested in.
Read our blog for advice on how to make sure that your job search is successful.
How to look for a job or keep actively job seeking during the festive season
As the holiday season approaches, you may find that your workload is a little lighter as companies start to shut down for the last week or two of the year. Use your extra time wisely by updating your CV with your most recent work experience and capabilities. Once your CV reflects your latest skills, you can register with Job Mail or if you have already registered, log in and update your profile.
Once your CV is uploaded, it will be easier for recruiters to discover you. Make sure you create alerts to receive emails when relevant job opportunities are advertised. You can have alerts sent via email or SMS. Once you have received the message, you can review the job posting and apply for the position, if you are interested. A quick response to prospective employers is helpful and beneficial when you are looking for employment.
How do you look for temp work and make yourself irreplaceable?
If you’re looking for temp work, make sure that you use the right terms in your job search. Using the words temporary and part-time jobs is helpful when you are looking for employment that meets your requirements.
If you want to turn your part-time position into an opportunity for permanent employment, take the necessary steps to make yourself irreplaceable. A commitment to learning new skills goes a long way towards becoming a useful part of the team.
Look for opportunities to use your capabilities even when your contribution is not part of your job description. Contributing your abilities to the success of your team can help make you a valuable asset to the company. Temporary jobs are also an excellent entry point into your career. These opportunities enable you to gain work experience, develop your capabilities, and to obtain references.
Tips for graduates/school leavers looking for work over the holidays
If you’ve just finished school or are a recent graduate, finding holiday work is a great opportunity to earn extra money. Not only will you earn cash from part-time jobs, but you will also get the opportunity to develop your skills.
Temp work is an opportunity to get good references, which can make it easier to launch your career. Temporary work also allows you to discover what you are passionate about.
Try working in different industries to find out which careers interest you the most. Don’t be afraid to ask when an opportunity comes your way. Step out of your comfort zone and make sure that you take full advantage of any opportunity to advance your career.
How to stay relevant and up to date over the festive season
You can stay ahead this holiday season by committing to self-improvement. Make sure that you use any extra time you have to learn new skills. Look for opportunities to take on new challenges at work and keep an eye out for new ways to learn. The world is constantly progressing, which makes it is necessary to be committed to staying up to date with advancements in the industry.
Reliability goes a long way towards securing your position at work. Trustworthy employees are a valuable asset to a company. You can show your boss that you are a dependable staff member by arriving to work on time and by meeting your deadlines.
Now that you know more about the advantages of holiday work, you can look for relevant job opportunities online. Once you have updated your CV, you can start your job search.