Advice to help you find a Welding job in Gauteng

A number of people often ask how they can land a job in Gauteng. After all, as much as Gauteng is the business hub of the country, not all types of jobs are available here.

Everyone is always looking for a job in Gauteng, locals as well as other people from different provinces, especially in the Mining and Construction industry. What this means for you is that the competition is much bigger and if you intend on being the best amongst the group, you have to bring your A game.

Welding is one of the jobs in South Africa that is slowly growing, especially in Gauteng. So if you are considering finding a job in this industry, there are a few things you should consider.


But regardless of this, when you are looking for a job in Gauteng, you have to have a certain mind-set that can set you apart from everybody else, especially the locally based people.

Here are some steps you can follow:

Learn all you can about the cities that interest you, as well as the possible job opportunities you might be interested in.

  1. Make temporary living arrangements in those cities. This is for when you will be called in for interviews, you do not want to be worrying about traveling from one province to another in a short notice.
  2. Learn about the targeted companies in the cities. Some Welding companies in Gauteng include:
    Silverton Bolt & Nut Bearings & Seals
    Max Power Services (Pty) Ltd
    Steel Services & Allied Industries CC
    Advanced Welding Services (Pty) Ltd
    S.O.S Ubuntu Cleaning and General Maintenance Services
    Tungsten Arc Welding Services
  3. Contact the companies for available job offers.
  4. Network with the people in the companies. Make sure they know that you are qualified for your job.
  5. Sign up with the companies to receive job offers from them or follow the companies on a professional networking site like LinkedIn.
  6. If you do not feel like you are qualified in the industry, sign up with a college or school to better your qualifications.
  7. You can also sign up with recruiting companies who can help you find a job in Gauteng.
  8. Consider doing a temporary job, but ensure that it is not lower than what you were previously doing.
  9. And most importantly, make it known to companies that you are the best candidate for the job. Tell them about your qualification, your experience and even your passion for the job.

By making use of this advice you are a step closer to finding your Welding job in Gauteng. For Welding jobs and other ideal jobs in South Africa, you can browse through the Job Mail website.

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4 Responses

  1. simbonile says:

    Hi my name simbonile jacu I’m looking for welding job I’m cualified welder arc`flaxco and co2 please contact me 0734058155 I can weld xtray and ut job

  2. Jermaine says:

    Looking forward for a job

  3. Nkosilomusa khumalo says:

    Hie my name is Nkosinomusa khumalo am a welder I want a job am doing arc welding I stay at jbh tembisa my number 0744472105

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