Advance your career in Training and Development

If you have excellent communication skills, why not consider a career in Training and Development? From Training and Development jobs to a position as a Training Manager, there are different positions to choose from. The benefits of this job are that it involves working with people and helping them to reach their full potential. If you are passionate about people, HR jobs are another option. You can browse jobs, register your CV and apply for Training jobs on Job Mail.


What do Training Manager jobs involve?

A Training Manager ensures that staff members have the right knowledge and skills to perform their duties effectively. They also play a role in keeping staff members motivated. Professional development is achieved by hiring trainers to increase the capacity of the company’s workforce. Trainer jobs often come with the responsibility of carrying out training programs. The manager assists with the continuous growth of the employee’s skills. Through capacity building staff members are able to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. Training Managers assess staff members’ skills to determine where improvements can be made. Rather than waiting for a need to arise, officers are encouraged to be proactive by conducting assessments and organising training accordingly.


Training and Development roles vary across different sectors. Duties also depend on the requirements of each company. They are typically responsible for assessing jobs and implementing appraisal schemes with the aim of determining the company’s training needs. An important part of this process includes liaising with managers within the company. Consulting with the human resources department is also helpful . Once the Training and Development officer has determined the needs of a company they develop relevant training programs. The training programs can be specific to individuals or it can provide training on an organizational level. Programs need to be approved by the company’s managers and staff members who are in senior positions.


The training programs must keep within a specified budget as well as showing a profitable return on investment. Once the training program has been developed the development and training officer is responsible for implementing it. They need to monitor the progress of employees once the training process is complete. Progress can be monitored through questionnaires as well as through reports from managers. The next step is to evaluate the training program and make any necessary adjustments to increase the program’s efficiency. A vital responsibility of Training and Development jobs is ensuring that legal training requirements are fulfilled. They are also required to assist managers with any training problems. Another duty that is associated with this position is keeping up-to-date with training research and techniques. Knowledge of e-learning techniques is necessary for this position. Reading current literature and reviewing the latest methodologies is also important.

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Employment for a Training Manager

Training and Development Managers can find employment in almost every industry including organizations and government. The work environment for this position typically involves working in an office. Travel between an office and training centres may be required. The majority of their job entails working with people as well as giving presentations. Typically, they are employed in full-time positions during normal business times. Generally prospective employers require these types of managers to have a tertiary education as well as relevant experience for this position. Most positions require the minimum of a bachelor’s degree while others only accept candidates with a master’s qualification. Completing a masters which focuses on Training and Development is a good option. A masters in human resource management or business administration is also beneficial. A variety of qualifications are acceptable for Training and Development Managers however a bachelor’s degree in human resources or business is advantageous. Managers often have experience as a development and training specialist and experience in related fields is also advantageous. Some companies give preference to candidates who have experience in the company’s industry or in IT. If you have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, this may be the right career for you. Critical-thinking and decision making skills are also crucial. If you are in a managerial position, leadership qualities are necessary. Other careers that are related to this position include Human Resource Managers, Career Counsellors and Psychologists.


Training jobs on Job Mail

If you think you have what it takes to excel at this career, take a look at the Training jobs on Job Mail.

Training Manager

A position is available for a Sales Training Manager. This full time position has a monthly remuneration of R10 000 to R 20 000. Suitable applicants will have experience in sales as well as being highly motivated.


Please click on the image to see the full vacancy


Master Sales Trainer

A full time Master Sales Trainer position is available in Pretoria. The job offers a monthly salary of R 8000 – R 18000 per month. Suitable applicants will have an in-depth knowledge of sales as well as relevant experience.


Please click on the image to see the full vacancy

Interested in training jobs? Register your CV on Job Mail now and start applying for training and development jobs that match your skills and experience.

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