A Beginner’s Guide to Google+ (Infographic)
Even though Google+ has been around since June 2011, it’s still being seen by many as the “new kid on the block” of social media, but with more than 540 million users globally (and more than 500,000 in South Africa alone) that’s not the case anymore.
Just like Facebook and Twitter, Google+ can be a very useful tool when it comes to job hunting. The user demographics of this service differs from Facebook, Twitter (and other social networks), so chances are that you’ll find a wide range of content you may not find anywhere else. There are tons of individuals, communities and company profiles that you can add to your circles and interact with, that could benefit you as a job seeker.
If you’re feeling clueless about Google+, don’t feel alone. It can take a while to get used to. To help you I’m featuring this amazing infographic that Plus Your Business put together today to help you understand Google+ a little bit better, check it out below.
If you’re already on Google+ add Job Mail to your circles to receive regular recruitment, career and job updates.
Remember: You can upload your CV, browse for jobs and apply for them on Job Mail.
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