8 useful CV improvement tips from a recruiter

On Monday we asked our fans on the Job Mail Facebook page to e-mail us their CV’s for review. Like before, we randomly selected 15 CV’s and forwarded them to Kathy from Pro-Jobs Recruitment for review. Thanks to her recruiting expertise and CV review skills, I am able to provide you with another 8 useful CV improvement tips from a recruiter today. Check them out, you may just learn something new today.

CV Improvement 01

If you’re setting up your CV, take note of the following tips:

• Before you send off your CV make sure that your layout looks neat and that there are no spelling mistakes. Making sure that this in order will give the reader the impression that you’re professional and serious about getting the job you are applying for.

•Make sure that you state when you’re available for a position. If you’re still working at a company make sure that you know what the notice period is that they require from you. Add the “Availability” field on your personal information section of your CV.

•When you’re listing the work experience history on your CV make sure that you clearly set out your duties for the position that you were appointed in. Don’t go into too much detail, but make sure that you include enough details so the reader can get a clear picture of what your responsibilities were for the position.

•Always state the reason why you left your previous position. Make sure that you state this professionally, honestly and clearly.

CV Improvement 02

Also take note of the following useful tips:

• Don’t mix your references and your work history on your CV. Make sure that you create separate sections for Work History and References. Put the references section after the Work History section.

• Ensure that your CV is spaced out neatly and properly. Space out the values in your Personal Information, Education, Work History, References and other fields and make sure that they align horizontally. Remember: a neatly laid out CV is an easily read CV.

• When you’re stating the references on your CV ensure that they are professionals or supervisors that you’ve worked under and make sure that you list a telephone number where they can be reached on. Refrain from listing your friends, tutors or headmasters as references on your CV.

•Try to keep your CV format the same throughout. Don’t set up your CV in 20 different font styles and sizes. Chose one font and keep to it. Use colour only if it will improve the readability of your CV.

Well, there you have it, another 8 useful CV improvement tips from a recruiter. Huge thanks to Kathy from Pro-Jobs Recruitment for taking time to review these 15 CV’s for us. Make sure that you check out the other articles on the Job Mail blog featuring CV Improvement tips from recruiters.

Spread the word about these useful CV Improvement tips! Share this article with your friends on Twitter and Facebook.

Watch this space for regular updates in the Job Seekers section on the Job Mail blog.

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10 Responses

  1. steven hlungwane says:

    my cv is 100 percent but I didn’t find my dream is 3 months now december is just arround the corner my child needs foods and clothes want can I do I to get a job?

    • Henno Kruger says:

      Keep on applying for positions. Look for part time work that you can do while you’re looking for a full time position. Remember to follow up with recruiters once you have applied. If they don’t respond within 14 days you can assume that you did not get the job and move forward. Hope you find the job that you need soon!

  2. coopen says:

    Thanks for the tips, I need to work on my c.v.

  3. Edith says:

    hi, I like your CV improvement tips and was wondering if you could provide me with specific tips for my CV because I always apply for jobs but never get replied. I have very good interpersonal skills as well as good qualifications and experience so I think the problem might be with my CV, I don’t know maybe it doesn’t look good somehow though I might not see the mistake the recruiter will pick it up quickly because they are professionals.

  4. hangi says:

    hi thanx for the tip i think this time around i will get some respond from recruiters.

  5. Zimasa says:

    Thank you for the tips

  6. SIFISO says:

    HELLO Mr Henno Kruger i want to ask what if u receive a invitation massage for job from a number which not contactable or no longer in service and it a mobile number. please i need advice Thank you.

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