4 Questions to Ask Before Entering the Hotel Management Industry

The hotel management industry is an exciting industry to be in– but let’s get one thing straight: this industry is not for the faint-hearted. It requires passion, hard work, and long hours.

Hotel Worker Working 2

So before you jump into a career that sounds fun and fabulous, have a look at the four questions you need to ask yourself before entering the hotel management industry:

1. Do I consider myself to be a friendly person who is willing to assist others?

In this line of work, it’s important to have a naturally friendly and caring personality. Being a professional in the hotel industry means maintaining a happy, positive, and friendly attitude, no matter what personal stress you might be dealing with. And if you have unhappy guests to deal with, you need to be capable of handling the situation in a calm, friendly, and helpful manner.

2. Am I an excellent communicator?

Communication is an essential skill in the hospitality industry. When you work as a hotel manager, you will not only have to interact with guests, but also with employees, suppliers, service providers, and inspectors.

Ask yourself the following: If a group of tourists came up to me and asked me for assistance, would I be comfortable talking to them and assisting them with their problem in a friendly manner, or would I immediately direct them to someone else for assistance?

3. Do I have demanding family responsibilities?

The hotel industry demands a lot of your time –you will be expected to work long shifts, including night shifts and weekend shifts. If you have family responsibilities, such as having to look after young children, having to care for an elderly family member, or having to run your household, then this career choice might not be an ideal fit for you. But if you are flexible with your schedule, and you are committed to putting in the hours, then you might have what it takes to become a successful hotel manager.

4. Would I be comfortable with working long hours – including weekends, evenings, and public holidays?

If you have an active social life and you enjoy having your evenings and weekends to yourself, then this career is not recommended for you.

A career in hotel management requires you to be dedicated to your job, and that you be fully flexible when it comes to your working hours and days off. It’s also important to keep in mind that the hotel industry’s busy season usually coincides with school and public holidays, which means that you will often have to work harder during these periods, instead of taking time off to relax with your friends and family.

Once you’ve answered these questions, and determined that hotel management is the right choice for you, it’s time for the next important step:

Make sure you have the right qualifications to pursue a career in hotel management. Oxbridge Academy supports the dreams of aspiring hotel managers and would love to help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to start your career and become a success in your field. Click here to find out more.

Already qualified? Apply for one of the latest tourism / hospitality jobs on Job Mail.

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1 Response

  1. sne says:

    Hey my name is sne I’m from Petermaritzburg, I’m looking hospitality job my contact 0722303273

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