4 Jobs That You Can Do Without Having A Degree

Many people are not privileged enough to attend a college or a university nowadays. Many job fields require degrees, which limits opportunities for those who can’t afford tertiary education. Luckily there are still jobs out there that can do without having a degree. Today I’m highlighting four of them.

Real Estate Agent: Basically this is a person who is authorized to act as an agent for the sale of land / property. Many people don’t realize that you can be real estate agent without having a degree – all you need is a licence to practice. You can obtain the licence by attending classroom training.

Real Estate Agent

The good news is that most South African estate agencies give in-house training for potential real estate agents / brokers. If you have awesome selling skills this might just be the job for you. Some estate agents earn hundreds of thousands of Rands a year. You are welcome to check out the Estate Agent positions listed on Job Mail, you may just find what you need.

Truck / Bus Driver: This job title is self-explanatory. You don’t need a diploma or degree to become a truck driver or a bus driver. All you need is a valid Code 10 or Code 14 driver’s license (depending on the size of the truck or bus you’re driving) and some formal training. You should also take note that you need need a PDP (or Public Driving Permit) if you want to drive people around.

Truck Driver

South Africa will always have a demand for drivers (especially in our metropolitan areas). The job market in this field tends to get saturated at times but don’t let that completely discourage you, just keep on looking until you find the right job. Make sure that you check out vacancies for Drivers on Job Mail (if you meet these requirements).

Motivational Speaker: If you are driven and you have the ability to constantly inspire your friends to greater things this may just be the job for you. If you have a passion for one area or experience in a field or market, you could totally do it. Motivational Speakers charge fees to speak at colleges, universities, schools, companies and other organizations. Many of them do it, without having a degree.


It’s one of the best paying jobs that you can get without getting an actual qualification. All you need is some charisma and a way with words.  A dash of a good sense of humor will also be beneficial for this career choice.  Just a note that if you have stage fright this may not be the job for you.

Private Detective: This is probably one of the sneakiest and legit jobs that you can do, without having a degree. You can become one without any formal training, and if you are a retired police detective this may just be the perfect job for you. It’s also one of the best paying jobs that you don’t need a degree for.

Private Detective

Private Detectives normally don’t have to deal with violence. Most of them investigate claims or check if spouses are being faithful to their partners. If you’re able to move into stealth mode without anyone noticing, you may just be able to become one. You don’t need top of the line equipment right away, start small and move on to bigger things.

There you go, four jobs that you can do without a degree. I hope you found this information useful. Spread the word about this! Share this post on your Facebook and Twitter account. Sharing is Caring after all.

If you haven’t registered your CV on Job Mail yet, start the process by clicking the image below!


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7 Responses

  1. robert h kapindi says:

    I want to be real estate agent or private detective and I need where I can get a training please supply me with somemore information.

  2. martina says:

    I would like to become a private detective or real estate agent please email relevant information and procedure to follow.

  3. portia says:

    I would like to be Private Detective or estate agent nd I need where i get. Training please supply me wit some more information

  4. kgadi says:

    I would like to be private investigator / estate agent, please provide me with information

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