15 of the weirdest jobs that actually exist

Are you tired of having a boring job? Read our list of weird jobs to get the inspiration you need to make a career change. From becoming an odour judge to working as a face feeler, there are plenty of strange careers out there. Working as a professional mermaid definitely makes our list of the weirdest jobs that are available around the world.

1. Body Painter

Are you looking for an opportunity to unleash your creativity? Why not consider a career as a body painter? You’ll be able to find employment opportunities at music festivals or on video shoots. Another option is to offer face painting for children at fairs and markets.

Weirdest Jobs In The World | Job Mail

Photo Source – www.pixabay.com

2. Fake Facebooker

Working as a fake Facebooker may sound like a weird job but there are people who are earning money from creating fake accounts. Once they’ve set up multiple accounts, they sell likes to earn an income. They can also earn money from increasing their clients’ number of Facebook friends.

3. Undercover Bridesmaid

Being paid to be a bridesmaid for someone that you don’t even know definitely qualifies for our list of weird jobs. In this role you’ll be expected to act as the bride’s personal assistant as well as to offer them emotional support on their wedding day.

Weirdest Jobs In The World | Undercover Bridesmaid | Job Mail

Photo Source – www.pixabay.com

4. Pick-Up Artist Teacher

Men who are struggling to find a girlfriend may employ the service of a pick-up artist teacher. Workshops are held around the world to teach men how to attract women. Famous pick-up instructors have built up a reputation for the strategies that they use when they ask a woman out on a date.

5. Odour judge

Becoming an odour judge is definitely one of the weirdest jobs out there. If you pursue this career you’ll be required to smell people’s armpits and feet. You may even be asked to smell people’s breath. Odour judges test the effectiveness of beauty products, such as soap and deodorant.

Weirdest Jobs In The World | Odour Judge | Job Mail

Photo Source – www.pixabay.com

6. Professional Mermaid

If you’re searching for a fun and unique employment opportunity, look no further than becoming a professional mermaid. If you pursue this career you can expect to teach people how to swim like a mermaid. You can also make money from doing performances at parties.

7. Face Feeler

Working as a face feeler may not be as strange as it sounds. Otherwise known as sensory scientists, these professionals are trained to assess the effectiveness of lotions using their hands. They can also be hired to test the performance of other products, such as razors.

8. Pet Food Sampler

If you don’t mind putting dog food in your mouth, you can become a pet food taster. You’ll be required to test the quality of dog food by tasting it. Another aspect of this job involves assessing the nutritional value of the product.

Weirdest Jobs In The World | Pet Food Sampler | Job Mail

Photo Source – www.unsplash.com

9. Fortune Cookie Creator

Add mystery and inspiration to people’s lives by becoming a fortune cookie writer. You’ll be responsible for composing the fortunes that get placed inside each cookie. While this job may seem strange, it’s an interesting and lucrative career opportunity.

10. Train Pusher

Yes, you read that correctly. You can earn money from pushing people onto trains. In Japan, train pushers help to get as many people as possible onto the trains during peak hours and help to get them off the train when they’ve arrived at their destinations.

Weirdest Jobs In The World | Train Pusher | Job Mail

Photo Source – www.pixabay.com

11. Professional Cuddler

Become a professional cuddler and make your living from snuggling. You’ll be expected to cuddle with clients who will pay you for your service.

12. Professional Apologiser

If you’re good at saying sorry, you can apply for a job as a professional apologiser. Crafting the perfect apology takes skill, which is why some companies are choosing to hire professionals to get the job done. Airlines hire people with these skills to communicate with passengers who are facing delays in their flights. They’re tasked with keeping passengers calm as well as with letting them know that everything is being done to resolve the problem.

Weirdest Jobs In The World | Professional Apologiser | Job Mail

Photo Source – www.pixabay.com

13. Mattress Jumper

Get in touch with your inner child by becoming a mattress jumper. You’ll be tasked with testing the quality of mattresses by jumping on them. This job can be fun and you’ll also be helping to ensure that people get a good night’s rest.

14. Parmesan Cheese Listener

Becoming a parmesan cheese listener is definitely a weird career choice. The quality of this type of cheese can be determined by its sound. You’ll need superior hearing skills to succeed in this job.

15. Expert TV Watcher

Getting paid to watch TV may sound weird to you but this job is not all fun and games. You’ll be required to sift through hours of footage to find clips that can be used for other TV shows or news programs.

Weirdest Jobs In The World | TV Watcher | Job Mail

Photo Source – www.pixabay.com

Now that you know more about the weirdest jobs that are available around the world, you can get creative and find exciting career opportunities to pursue on Job Mail.

15 of the weirdest jobs that actually exist
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15 of the weirdest jobs that actually exist
From odour judges to face feelers, there are pretty weird jobs out there. Read out blog post to find out more about the 15 weirdest jobs in the world.
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Job Mail
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2 Responses

  1. Anastasia says:

    How can I apply for the weird jobs? They are interesting!!

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