10 motivational quotes that will inspire you

At Job Mail we know that Job Seekers often feel demotivated, lost, uninspired or even despondent whilst hunting for a job. Not getting called for an interview after you’ve applied for a job, not getting feedback after you’ve been interviewed or not finding a job in your field can be very frustrating and drain you emotionally. Sadly it’s a fact that job hunting is a journey that could take months.

Well, if you’re one of those Job Seekers who is close to losing or giving up hope, don’t despair. There’s a lot of negativity when it comes to job hunting, but you should not focus on this. To help you to focus, I’m featuring 10 motivational quotes that will inspire you today. I’m pretty sure that these words will motivate you or inspire you to keep moving forward in your job hunting journey.

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 02

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 03

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 04

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 05

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 06

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 01

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 07

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 08

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 09

Motivational & Inspirational Quote 10

Well, there you go. Did these 10 motivational quotes inspire you to do great things or to move forward in your job hunting journey? Leave a comment and let us know.

Feeling motivated but not registered on Job Mail yet? Well, register your profile CV NOW! It’s the first positive step that you can take on your job hunting journey!

Feeling inspired and motivated and already registered? Make sure that you check out the latest job listings on Job Mail! Chances are that you’ll find what you need.

Spread the inspiration by sharing this article with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. They will thank you for the inspirational boost!

Watch this space for regular updates for Job Seekers on the Job Mail Blog.

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1 Response

  1. raymond says:

    I’m feeling motivated and inspired. Thank you Job Mail

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